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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 

Right after the charity event. Henry ff for a sevenstar hotel to have an important meeting and after that he didn’t feel like going home. His ears were tired hearing Logan’s praises from William

Henry puffed out the fumes after smoking the cigarette while recalling how Grandpa e William donated a lot of his wealth in charity in Logan’s name. He seems to only love him. Henry murmured and threw the bud on the floor before pressing his shoe on it

He exited the hotel and waited for a chauffeur to bring his car. As soon as he brought it, Henry entered in it and drove away? While driving he thought of how to bring Logan to his knees. That bastard Daniel! He couldn’t kill Hope and that’s why Logan suddenly turned into such a sane person,” he muttered and pressed on the accelerator

Suddenly the phone which was on the passanger seat rang and he tilted his head to take a glance at it. Henry slowed down the car’s speed and moved it to the side before applying the brakes on it

Henry picked up the call. Hello,he answered

Do you remember me, Henry Moore?from the other side a feminine voice came

Sorry, who?Henry was unable to recognize the voice. He looked at the number and again brought the phone to his ear

The one on whom you crushed for three years,the woman said from the other side

Henry’s mind immediately went to Olivia Carson, but he shook his head. It couldn’t be possible. She was dead, no

Olivia Carson, Henry said

Finally, you recognized me,” said Olivia and looked at her nail paint as she blew air over it. Are you free, Henry? Will you meet me at the Shadow Star Hotel? Room number 1302.She disconnected the call and put it on the table while smiling

Henry furrowed his brows together as the phone was hung up. Is she alive? But, how? She clearly died that day. Is it some kind of prank?He muttered when his phone beeped and he saw Olivia’s message to him. She had sent him her location

He was confirmed that it was the address of Shadow Star Hotel only. Without any further duo, Henry started his car’s engine and drove to the hotel. Due to the heavy traffic, it took him an hour to reach the hotel

Henry quickly made his way in and went straight to room number 1302. He pressed the bell and the door opened after a few seconds

10:49 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 90 


He stopped blinking to see Olivia in front of him. Henry put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her for a hug. Ohyia,” Henry murmured and closed his eyes tightly


That night not only Logan suffered from Olivia’s loss, but it was Henry too. For three years, he had kept his feelings for Olivia inside him. When he told her how much he loved her, Olivia rejected him saying that Logan also had feelings for her

Henry pulled away from the hug and looked at her with a bewildered expression

Come in, Henry,Olivia said and walked in

Henry stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him. He removed his shoes. and 

put on the sl*ppers to go in. He halted upon reaching the living room of the suite, where Olivia was seated with a red wine glass in her hand

She poured the wine into the glass for Henry and offered him a wine

How are you alive? You d- Henry paused, unable to understand what more he should. say on this matter

I planned my death, Henry. I wasn’t dead,Olivia asserted, a confident smile playing on her l*ps. Are you going to stand there and watch me for the entire night?she inquired, her tone teasing yet tinged with a hint of mystery


Henry’s expression shifted, his curiosity piqued by Olivia’s revelation. Why did plan your own death?he asked, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and concern

To destroy your cousin brother, Logan Moore, Olivia answered bluntly, her gaze unwavering. But it seems he has started to enjoy his life once again, especially with this new omega werewolf in his life,she pronounced, gesturing towards the iPad displaying Logan’s viral proposal for Hope, a flicker of resentment passing through her eyes

Henry was unable to understand why Olivia was talking in such a way. You wanted to destroy Logan? But weren’t you the one, who gave him new life since he used to be aloof?He queried, still carrying the puzzled expression on his face

Well, that was all my plan,” Olivia answered and placed the wine glass on the table. She picked up the iPad and scrolled the news spreading about Logan and his wife, Hope 


Henry finally sat down on the couch. Olivia, will you come straight to the point?he questioned. Why did you do it? Why did you want to make Logan suffer?” 

That’s a mystery for you now, Henry. Do you want to join my hands to destroy Logan completely this time?asked Olivia as she swirled the glass in her hand. She took a sip and pur the glass on the table. Her eyes shone bright blue as she smiled at him

Chapter 90 

Olivia, you know that I had feelings for you,” Henry remarked

You don’t have them anymore?Oliviasked

They are still alive. Date me and I’ll join your hands. Love me and I’ll help you destroy Logan Moore. But don’t fry to play any games with me because I won’t tolerate any betrayal coming from you,Henry affirmed and picked up the wine glass finally

Why do you think I came to you after so many years?Olivia asked him. Of course, I am attracted to you, Henry,” she stated and told him they should toast their relationship

Henry stood up and walked to her side. Clinking their glasses, he lifted the wine glass and gulped it in a shot. Olivia smiled to see that and drank from her glass

Henry took it from her and placed the both glasses on the table before resting his knee. on the couch. He leaned closer to Olivia and cradled her n*eck possessively. Then, you should not resist it either,” he whispered against her l*ps and sealed her l*ps with a k*ss. His eyes closed and they k*ssed each other passionately

Logan woke up late in the morning and found Hope wasn’t beside her. He sat up and realized his wife was not present in the room. He smiled recalling the last night

Entering the washroom, Logan quickly freshened up and went downstairs after changing into his casual clothes

Where’s Hope?asked Logan from a servant

Madam is in the kitchen. Master Logan’s friends are coming home for lunch, so she preparing for it,the servant humbly replied

My friends?Logan was perplexed and headed to the kitchen to check on Hope. As he entered the kitchen, his eyes landed on Hope, who was chopping the vegetables while talking with Camila

Hope, what are you doing?Logan asked finally

Ahh, Logan. You woke up. Good morning,” Hope quickly wiped her hands with a napkin and walked to him. She held his arm and asked him to do a quick breakfast. Aunt Camila, please bring the meals,she requested and dragged Logan to the dining 


Why are you in a hurry? Have you had your breakfast already?Logan asked

No. I was waiting for you. I don’t eat alone,” Hope said and pulled out the chair for them. As they sat on it, Aunt Camila asked the servants to serve them the breakfast 

10:49 Fr, 1 Mar 

Chapter 90 


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