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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 

The next day, in the office


Hope sent all the mails to the desired departments and went to the Finance 

to the 

Department to collect the proposal. As she stepped out of the elevator, she encountered Henry

Good morning, Henry,” Hope said with a smile. You didn’t come yesterday. Where were you?she asked

I had some work outside the city,Henry answered

Oh. Don’t push yourself too hard. Next time, if I invite you, you have to come. Okay?Hope waited for his positive response

Sure. I’ve a meeting outside, so I’ve to go, Henry stated and walked away

Hope sensed something was off with him. But she didn’t put much thought to it and went ahead for the work she had come to this department

Once she collected the report, Hope returned to the office and found a mysterious man there. Excuse me, who are you?Hope asked

The man pivoted on the heels of his shoes and his radiant smile was something that Hope noticed first. However, she found it weird because a man if smile at her at their first meeting not be entertained by her

Don’t you know you cannot enter in the Vice Chairman’s office without a prior appointment?Hope began reprimanding him. You should leave immediately,she said with a stern tone

Calm down, Girl! You don’t need to scold me in such a brutal way,the man said while still smiling

Hope frowned to hear him and warned him for the final time, If you don’t get out of here, then I’ve to call the security!” 

Well, do that then, the man encouraged her as he leaned against the desk

Hope clenched her fists and slammed the file onto the desk in frustration. She reached out to grab his arm, intending to forcefully escort him to the door

However, his strength proved formidable as he remained firmly planted in place, refusing to budge an inch. This only served to exacerbate Hope’s irritation

With a shove, he pushed her slightly, causing Hope to stumble back on her heels

10:50 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 96 

Despite the near fall, she managed to regain her balance

You! I’m calling security,Hope declared rushing to the desk to grab the landline phone. But before she could dial the number, the man swiftly intercepted her, moving in front of her with lightning speed, effectively blocking her path

You cannot do that,” the man said as he glared into her eyes with a smirk

What is this, Sawyer?Logan’s voice fell upon their ears when Hope quickly turned around

Logan, this man…” She paused as she realized her husband took out his name and she immediately changed her question, do you know him?Hope pointed her finger at Sawyer and said, He troubled me, Logan and even made me 


You’ve such a cute assistant, Logan, Sawyer remarked and grinned

She is my wife, Hope Moore. Don’t trouble her and don’t call her cute,Logan stated

Your wife?Sawyer was surprised to learn that. I thought you married a mature woman. She is no lesser than a kid,he commented

What did you say?Hope glared at him. You old man, I’m not a kid,” she loudly said

What did you say?The smile from Sawyer’s l*ps now disappeared

You heard me, Oldie!Hope stuck out her tongue to tease him and smirked while crossing her arms across her chest

Logan ended up smiling to see her playful side

Because you are Logan’s wife, I won’t say anything to you,Sawyer pronounced as he pushed his hands inside his pocket.. 

“Just admit that you are scared of me,” Hope said

Huh?Sawyer chuckled. I am a Lycan. Do you think I’ll be scared of an ant like you?” 

An ant?Hope snickered at him and took a step ahead when Logan grasped her hand


Ignore him. Also, Sawyer, you aren’t supposed to talk to her like this. She is my after all,Logan again reminded him. Hope, he isn’t bad by heart. He just loves to tease people,” he proclaimed. Hope, will you attend a meeting with Paul? I think you need to learn how to handle the clients,he suggested

Hope got excited to learn that and readily agreed for it. Logan told her to go to Paul as he would explain her the matter and then, she should accompany him for the meeting

10:50 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 96 


Hope collected her things and left the office. Once she left, Logan asked Sawyer to take 

a seat

You seem to be in love with her. Is it real or my eyes are seeing something else?Sawyer inquired as he pulled out a chair for him

I love her. I have moved on from Olivia,Logan stated as he took his seat on the leather chair

That’s so strange to hear. You were head over heels for her,Sawyer pronounced with an amusing smile on his l*ps

I was not head over heels for her, Logan corrected him. She understood my emotions better than anyone. Hope is my fated mate. She has given an essence to my life. She didn’t give up on me. More than my money and power, Hope wanted me for her. Every small thing she did made me happy,” he asserted

Sawyer hummed in response. Well, she is a cheerful woman. I am glad you found happiness and true meaning of life with her once again,he commented

Yeah. Shall we discuss the matter?Logan clasped his hands together as he rested them on the table

Yes. We should. You want to go to Thaloria and find Witch Yohana, right?Sawyer asked him to confirm

Yes. Years ago, you mentioned that your family knows a witch,” Logan stated


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