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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 632

"Where have you been?" I snap at her.

I am a little worried when I see her drenched.

Where has she been?

I am worried about her. But the words of concern are on the tip of my tongue.

"It's raining. I can't get a taxi. So I'm late."

She says to me.

When she raises her head, I suddenly notice a bright red mark on her face.

Who hit her?

Who dares to hit my woman? But it's like a burn.

One thing I dislike about Jane is that she always doesn't tell me anything.

No matter how much I do, I don't seem to be able to open her heart.

So, I just don't say anything.

"You got off work at 5:30 in the afternoon. It didn't rain at that time." I chuckle.

I really want to know where she went after work.

Go to Noah? What about the bruises on her face?

She looks away unnaturally and says to me, "I went shopping."


If she went shopping, then why does she have the bruises on her face?

Even now, she is still lying.

She is still unwilling to tell the truth. What exactly is she trying to hide?

"Where's your purchase?" I look at her empty hand and stretch out my right hand towards her.

'Damn it! This man has to push me like this, hasn't he?' Jane thinks to herself.

She rolls her eyes at me and says coldly, "I have no money and can't afford it, OK?"

No money.

How can my woman have no money?

My assistant happens to apply for a black card for me. I haven't decided how to use it yet.

I take out a black card and throw it to her.

After getting the card, she suddenly becomes cunning.

Could it be that she wants to pay me back with the money on this card?

And then, she will get rid of me.

Is she this unwilling to be with me?

I feel a great compulsion to throttle her.

"Don't have any evil ideas. You can only buy things with this card. As my woman, you can't be too shabby."

Her clothes are all old styles. It seems that she hasn't bought any clothes these years.

I know that she wasn't happy when she was with Andrew.

Since she is with me, I must make her happy every day.

"Thank you, boss." She looks up and smiles sweetly at me.

This makes the red mark on her face even more conspicuous.

"What happened to your face?" I frown and stroke her face.

"It hurts."

She shrinks back. It seems that she is in real pain.

"What's going on?" I ask with a grim face.

"I accidentally burned myself while drinking coffee."

She looks down and says to me.

Burned herself?

Did she want coffee, or did her face want it?

"You can burn yourself like this? Jane, are you too naïve, or do you think I'm stupid?"

"Believe it or not."

She says casually and goes upstairs.

I can't get the answer from Jane. So, I call my subordinate and know that she has gone to Steven's house.

I feel even unhappier while thinking about that Steven often looks at her covetously.

Afterwards, a woman who liked Steven asked her to a coffee shop.

When she came out, she had this red mark on her face.


I ask my men to teach that woman called Violet a lesson, so that she will know which people she can't afford to offend.

After dealing with the things on my hands, I take a bath.

The night is beautiful. I want to go up to the roof for a blow. However, it seems a bit lonely if I go alone.

It has only been less than an hour. So, she probably hasn't slept.

I walk to her door and knock lightly.

She says loudly inside the room.

"Who is it? It is so late. Do you have a death wish or something?"

The corners of my mouth twitch.

Apart from me, who else can endure her explosive temper?

I'm really cheap. I refuse so many women who please me and just have a crush on her.

"Frances." I reply in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?" She yawns and blinks, asking.

"Drink with me."

I say briefly and pull her upstairs.

I sit down, pour myself a glass of wine, and drink it.

Anyway, with her around, everything is beautiful.

I take a sip and look at the woman beside me, only to find that her eyes are filled with desire.

It seems like she wants to drink it.

She's allergic to alcohol. But it should be all right to drink this wine.

I chuckle and hand the glass to her.

"Would you like to try the fruit wine I asked the winery to brew? It won't make you drunk or have a rash. I took the wrong wine just now. This wine is only suitable for women."

I don't know if I am trying to cover it up.

After all, it takes me a long time to pick out a bottle of wine that has almost no alcohol content.

She hesitates for a moment before picking up the glass and taking a sip.

"It's good." She says and gulps the wine in the glass.

Just such a glass of wine makes her face turn red.

Looks like she really can't drink.

I have to keep an eye on her and cannot let her drink in front of other men.

"I'll go get another bottle of wine."

As for the fruit wine, I just leave it for her to drink.

I take a bottle of wine and she continues to drink the fruit wine. Soon, she drinks most of the bottle of wine.

She looks dazed and should be a little drunk.

"Didn't you say I wouldn't get drunk? Why am I a little dizzy? Did you drug the wine?" she murmurs and unconsciously leans against me.

The light smell of fruit wine mixes with the fragrance of her body, which makes me a little drunk.

Hearing what she said, I am lost for words.

"Do you think I need to drug you? What I said is that you won't get drunk with one drink. Look how many cups you have had."

She doesn't say anything else and just leans against me quietly.

The night is beautiful, and the woman beside me is also beautiful.

Everything touches me.

"Frances, do you know what it feels like to love someone but not get him?" she leans against my shoulder and suddenly asks.

How can I not know?

Isn't she the one for me?

Although I get her body, I can clearly feel that she does not love me.

However, who does she love?

Noah? Steven? Or her ex-husband?

No matter who it is, it upsets me.

I jerk her away and stand up. I stare at her tightly and try to see through her. But I fail.

"Sorry, I am drunk." She says in horror.

Then she stands up and retreats step by step.

Is she so afraid of me? Is she afraid that I will eat her?

If she continues to retreat, she will reach the edge of the balcony.

Chapter 632: You're the Best Gift in My Life 14 1

Chapter 632: You're the Best Gift in My Life 14 2


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