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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 635

I ask her, but she refuses to say anything.

I'm more convinced that she really has a child with another man, but is unwilling to mention it to me.

But who is the man?

We haven't talked to each other for a long time.

Whitney takes the child back in the court.

When I see her desperate expression, my heart aches.

Would she be happier if we had a child of our own?

"Jane, I'm sorry. I know you like kids. It's my fault that I couldn't keep your child. Let's have a child. I want you to be happy," I say seriously.

After a shower, I hug her tightly.

However, she freezes, her face full of resentment.

When I kiss her, she bites my lips.

"Jane, are you crazy?" I say sternly.

Jane is really like a rose. I try to please her. But in the end, I only get hurt.

I'm really annoyed that I can't figure out what she is thinking.

"Frances, leave me alone. Every bit of you is disgusting!" She sneers.


Does she feel disgusted when I touch her?

Her words ignite my anger.

Why is her so sick of me? For which man she is keep her chastity?

"Disgusting? We had sex for so many times. You're my wife. What's wrong with having a child? Or is it because you just want to have children with another man?"

This is not what I think, but I can't refrain myself from saying those harsh words.

While I regret what I've said, Jane said, her teeth gritted, "Can you stop talking about the child? You are the last person who has the right to blame me for not having children!"

Here we go again.

Whenever I mention kids, she is like that.

What has happened to the last child? Why is her so emotional every time I speak of the child?

Puzzled, I want to figure out what's on her mind. I want to see through her.

I stop and sit to the side, staring at her in half seriousness and half doubt.

I need an answer, very urgently.

"Why are you so emotional every time I mention the child? What's wrong?!"

"Frances, you killed our child! Do you know how much I hate you?! I want you to die!"

She shouts at me, tears rolling down her cheeks.

What does she say?

Our child?

I suddenly have a bold guess.

"Our ... child?" I stare blankly at her, even more puzzled, "You said the child is ours?"

My heart beats faster.

It's no exaggeration that I've never been so nervous in my entire life.

I am waiting for her reply bated breath.

Jane glares at me angrily with a sneer, "Will you stop pretending?! You make me sick!"

It seems that my guess is correct.

This child is really mine.

Why on earth have I been jealous of myself?

I am overwhelmed by ecstasy. Right now, I just want to hug her and dote on her.

"It's my child. It's our child."

I whisper, my voice trembling.

My tears are flickering in my eyes.

"Tell me, where is our child now? Where is he?" I ask cautiously.

I hold her shoulders in excitement.

The thought of our child perks me up.

"Enough. He has been murdered by you! You sent Hamlin to Prague to kill him, and you are still pretending. Do you really think I'm a fool?"

She shouts at me furiously.

Hamlin? When did I ever ask Hamlin to do this?

However, the underlining, yet more important message makes me almost collapse.

She says ... our child is already dead?

I just find out I have a child. But in the blink of an eye, she breaks such a piece of bad news to me. How can I accept it?

"What did you say? When did I ask Hamlin to do such an evil thing? How could it be?! I didn't even know that we had a child. Why didn't you tell me?"

My heart wrenches. It aches more violently when I sense her despair.

Now I understand why her collapses at the very word of child.

It turns out that our child has long been dead.

But I never knew that we have a child. If I knew, I would not allow her to leave me. I would definitely take good care of them.

Unfortunately, I didn't know when the child came. I didn't know when he died.

I have to know what has happened.

She says with a sneer, "Sorry, I don't believe in you. I don't believe a single word of you!"

There must be a reason why she says decisively that Hamlin does it.

All I need to do now is to ask Hamlin about it.

I look at her in distress. I want to say something, but words fail me. I let out a sigh and call Hamlin.

The phone rings for a short while before it's cut off.

I call again, but he turns it down.

What's going on? Why doesn't Hamlin answer?

I turn around to look at Jane and say seriously, "You have to believe me. It's not me. You say it's Hamlin. I will investigate it. I will not let our child ... die in vain."

She is devastated to lose her child. I am, too.

So I need to know the truth. At any cost.

However, the way Jane looks at me seems to show she doesn't trust me at all.

"No matter what you do, it doesn't change anything. My child is dead because of you. Even if you kill Hamlin, my child won't be alive."

Tears roll down her cheeks.

I really want to ask her what has happened to the child.

But I can't. She is already hysterical. Recalling the tragic past is so heavy to her. It will overwhelm her.


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