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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 633

At the party, surrounded by a group of annoying women, I feel uncomfortable.

When I come back to the present moment, Jane is already dancing with Lawrence.

Although I know Lawrence loves someone else, I get upset at the sight of such intimacy.

After the party ends, I give her a good punishment and finally feel a little better.

After returning from Santos, I receive an invitation to a show in Paris.

I'm not a fan of such an occasion.

Whitney is a famous designer. She attends galas like this with me every time.

Every minute with her is torture for me.

I've proposed a divorce several times, but Whitney never compromises. Every time it ends up with her threatening to kill herself.

I suddenly regret marrying Whitney back then.

If I hadn't done it with an indifferent attitude, I wouldn't have been stuck when Jane appeared.

If it weren't for Whitney, I would have married Jane and given her everything I have.

I tell Jane that I am going on a business trip for a week, and she says that so is she.

I don't ask any further and go straight to the airport.

In the VIP lounge, I see Whitney wearing sunglasses with a satisfied expression.

Seeing me enter, she takes off them and walks towards me.

The GUCCI haute couture outfit looks stunning on her. The surrounding men all look at her with affections.

I have to say that she is so lovey a creature, to the extent that any man will fall for her.

Even Lawrence, her brother in name, is no exception.

Unfortunately, I'm not among them.

I only have Jane in my heart. She used to be, is now, and will be my only love.

Whitney walks over and intimately holds my arm. Those men around instantly dim their eyes.

I frown and go to my seat. Looking at her smiling on the other side, I ask indifferently, "Whitney, what exactly do I need to do to get a divorce?"

The smile on her face freezes.

"Frances, why do you want to divorce me? What's wrong with me? You don't want to live with me and I let you move out. You don't want to sleep with me and I have never forced you to do so! We've been married for years, but how many times have we appeared together? I've done so much. Why are you so obsessed with that?"

She says to me emotionally, completely ignoring the crowd around her.

She's mentally ill, and I've always known that.

It is precisely because I know I'm part of the reason that I can't harden my heart to force her.

But now, I want to make Jane my wife, so I don't want to go on with the charade anymore.

"Whitney, I don't love you. You know it. A marriage without love can't last long." I say flatly.

"You didn't love me before! Why are you bringing up a divorce now? Are you in love with another woman? Is that Cindy Leigh?" Whitney gives a grimace of rage as she sneers, "Cindy was already disfigured by me. Are you still thinking about her? Let me tell you, Frances, I'll ruin any woman you get close to! I wonder who else is so bold to approach you!"

I know about Cindy.

To be exact, I'm responsible for Cindy's suffering.

At that time, Whitney kept a close eye on me. I was afraid that she would find out about Jane, so I used Cindy as a shield.

Cindy is really innocent, so I give her a large sum and ask her to go abroad.

"Go with your gut. I have no explanation for you. The divorce will go into effect automatically after two years' separation. It doesn't matter if you want to waste your time with me."

I say coldly, get up and walk towards the gate.

"I don't care who you love. In any case, I'm the only one who can be with you openly, right?" Whitney says proudly as she chases after me and grabs onto my arm again.

I frown and get on the plane without answering her.

Because the plane is late, and Whitney changes into formal clothes after getting off the plane, we are running out of time. We hurry straight for the show.

When we get there, I see a familiar figure from afar.

It is Jane. I don't know why she is here.

However, later I realize that this event is sponsored by the Songs. Given how much Jane means to Steven, it isn't surprising that she shows up.

But the problem is that Whitney is also here!

I never tell Jane that I'm married. If she knows, how will I explain it?

I've never been in such a panic before.

Whitney doesn't notice the change in my expression and whispers to me, "Go, let's go."

There are only two empty seats at the main table, right beside Jane and Steven.

I walk over with heavy steps.

Sitting beside Jane, I take every breath mixed with her fragrance.

I get flustered so much.

I can't talk to her and only watch the show on the stage as if I don't know her.

Beside me, she and Steven have been discussing something, and I hear every word.

However, why are they getting closer and closer?

I want to remind her, but I baulk at the idea of saying it directly. I can only rub my leg against her.

Her expression changes while she sits motionless, watching the show.

Whitney's coquettish voice suddenly comes from the side.

"Darling, do you think that dress suits me?"

My entire body stiffens at once.

Whitney has never called me darling. Does she lose her mind today? When Jane is present, Whitney actually calls me that!

Not turning to look at Jane, I hear Steven asking, "Jane, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm going to the bathroom."

She gets up and stumbles towards the bathroom.

I glance over at her and see her bump into someone.

When she goes into the bathroom, my phone vibrates in my bag.

"Don't worry. I won't let your wife know our relationship."

I have mixed feelings about Jane's words.

Does she think of herself as a shameful mistress?

I don't tell her that I'm married because I'm afraid she can't take it.

The worse scenario is that Whitney will go at her. Jane is so unsophisticated that she might mistake an enemy for angel.

She comes back from the bathroom very quickly, her entire face pale.

I know that she must find it hard to accept the truth.

Then I'm not in the mood for the rest of the show.

When it ends, Jane takes the lead to get up and go outside.

Whitney and I have always shared a room in order to deceive the public.

But I've never slept with her. The sofa makes my bed.

Whitney and her besties here will play cards all night, so she will not come back.

Before she leaves, she goes crazy again, talking about committing suicide.

When I snatch the knife from her hand, I get hurt.

It leaves a wound on my wrist.

It's not deep, but it hurts.

After that, Whitney leaves.

I don't bandage the cut. Instead, I send a text message to Jane to ask her to come over. Perhaps, this can earn me some sympathy.

Unexpectedly, she replies, "No."

Chapter 633: You're the Best Gift in My Life 15 1

Chapter 633: You're the Best Gift in My Life 15 2


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