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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 10

Early morning the next day, Samho Group penthouse.

A regular meeting was held every Monday morning. Every direct relative of the Perry family sat around the meeting table.

“Tracy, I heard that trash husband of yours who disappeared five years ago has made his way back?”

The man speaking was Tracy’s cousin Phillip. Seeing her enter the meeting room, he was all smiles.

“Is it any business of yours whether he’s come back or not?” Tracy frowned, turning the question back at him.

“Well, it’s nothing to do with me personally, but the Perry Clan came into a decline because of the scandal between you two. We would have made our way into the upper crust of Cona if not for that.”

Phillip said, his expression shadowy. He continued, “Some other woman with a better sense of decency would have killed herself for shame. You’ve got the sheer gall to spawn a bastard child as well? You insult our family.”

“Shut your mouth!” Tracy stood bolt upright, enraged.

They could say anything about her, but not her daughter. That was the one thing that was off-limits.

The entire room of Perry clan members did nothing to stand up for Tracy. They simply watched the show from the side.

“Mr. Perry is coming!”

Phillip had been about to speak when footsteps rang out outside the door. He shot Tracy a cold look and remained silent.

Then, a silver-haired elder of the Perry Clan came into the meeting room and sat at the Chairman’s seat.

The Perry Clan owned a great many companies, but the most well-developed one was Samho. Because of that, when Henry took the company in as their own, it had become home base for the family.

Every time they held a meeting here, Tracy’s heart twitched with pain. This was a property she’d created all on her own, but now it belonged to the clan. No matter how much she resented it, things were set now.

Although Henry was getting on in age, he had no intention of resigning, instead grasping his position as head of the clan tightly in his own grip.

His gaze swept across everyone in the room, and he spoke. “Last month, the Owen family of Donas established a branch company in Cona. For all this time, we’ve been preparing. The latest news I’ve received is that the branch is going to officially established within the next few days. Countless first-class families are racking their brains to collaborate with the Brone Group. The Perry Clan must not fall behind. Our way to first class rests on our ability to gain collaboration with the Brone Group.”

At Henry’s words, everyone grew excited. Someone asked directly, “Mr. Perry, is there some reward for getting the Brone Group on our side?”

Henry looked at the speaker and leered, “Whoever manages a contract with the Brone Group gets to take the seat of Samho Group Chairman.”

At that, everyone was stunned. Henry was going so far as to put Samho up as a prize for the collaboration of the Brone Group.

Tracy bit her lip tightly. The Samho company had been hers to begin with. It was obviously very difficult to get into collaboration with Brone, or the old man wouldn’t have put up the chairman’s seat as a reward.”

In a moment, everyone’s gazes switched back and forth between Tracy and Phillip.

One was Henry’s most valued member of the family; the other simply had exceptional capabilities. Both were prizes in Henry’s eyes, but everybody knew that the Samho Group belonged to Tracy in the first place.


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