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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 11

A dull expression lingered on Tracy Perry’s face. She’d chased Baron off yesterday, and now her daughter was bawling her eyes out for her dad.

Tracy had regretted it at first - fearing the father her daughter had awaited for so long would leave once again - but she hadn’t thought that, the moment she was about to face everything alone, Baron would show up again.

The way Baron had appeared, overbearing, unstoppable, touched a soft part of her heart, and she felt it tremble viciously.

“Who are you? Barging into a Perry Clan meeting room - where’s security? Eject him this instant!”

Henry did not recognise Baron at that moment. Baron had met with those of the Perry Clan but rarely, and it had been five years - how could they recognise him at first glance?

“Granddad, this is Baron Owen. The piece of trash married Tracy five years ago and disappeared without a trace soon after.”

Having heard of Baron’s return, Phillip recognised him immediately and shot a mocking glance at Tracy.

Only now did Henry remember Baron. With narrowed eyes, he studied the man from head to toe. He gave off slightly different airs, but other than that there seemed to be little difference. The man’s attire was as drab as before.

As much as Tracy wanted someone to shoulder everything alongside her, having Baron show up at this moment would only introduce even more chaos. She turned on him, anger written across her face - “Why are you here?”

Tracy’s hostility towards him was not at all surprising. If Baron could win her approval the instant he returned, then her approval came far too cheaply.

Henry waved his hand and cut off whatever else Tracy was about to say, glaring daggers at Baron. “So it’s this gutter swine who ruined my family’s reputation all those years ago. If it hadn’t been for you, the Perry Clan would have ascended to the upper crust of Cona long ago. I wouldn’t have thought you’d have the nerve to come back.”

A sharp glint passed through Baron’s eyes, and he released a cold chuckle. “I ruined your family’s reputation? Could it be that the great head of the Perry Clan remains ignorant of the truth?”

Charles had already conducted a careful examination of the affairs of the past. Everything had been orchestrated by the Perry Clan in the first place in order to pave the way for their acquisition of the Samho Group.

If it hadn’t been for Tracy, the clan would have seen its end last night.

“What are you babbling about?”

Furious, Henry Perry slapped the desk and stood, eyes blazing with rage.

As his emotions flared, coughs racked the old man’s body as it lurched on the spot.


Tracy rushed to his side, but Phillip made it there first, propping him up.

“Get away from me!”

Seething, Henry roared, “You’ve still the sheer nerve to call me ‘Granddad’? You meant to send your gutter-trash husband up here as an insult to my face, didn’t you?”

“If anything happens with Granddad’s heart, we’re going to make you pay.”

“The filth you got up to five years ago stained the Perry name. Now, five years later, are you still trying to give me a stroke? To destroy this clan?”

“From where I’m standing, this wretched household of yours brings nothing but disaster. We ought to banish you from the Perry Clan, never to return.”


Tracy had given up so much for the clan, to the point where even her own Samho company had been claimed by the Perry collective. And now, her reward was to be betrayed by everyone, abandoned by her own flesh and blood.


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