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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 201

Everyone there was stupefied when hearing what Gary said.

“Mr. Martin, are you serious? Don’t make fun of me.”

Marry hastily got close to Gary and spoke.

Mr. Zouch now came to his sense. Twenty million dollars was a whopping price for him. He had never and would never earn such amount of money in his life.

It was really tempting. However, if the tea was not genuine, and he sold it to Gary, a master of second-tier family in Kato, the Zouch family would be put into great troubles when people found out the truth.

The most important thing was that he didn’t believe it was a genuine one at all.

“Mr. Martin, I don’t think the tea is a true one, because it is given by a young man, who is poor and lives in his wife’s house. I don’t trust him. How can it be possible that he can afford to pay this sky-high price?”

Richard hurriedly refused Gary’s offer.

At the meantime, Richard snatched up the tea box placing before Gary, dropped it into the trash bin, and ordered sharply, “Marry, get it out of here, and drop it in the sewer, it may be poisonous!”


It was too late for Gary to stop Marry, who had already left the room with the tea.

Gary abruptly followed up Marry. However, Marry had dumped the tea into sewer when he caught her.

People of the Zouch family also came out from the house.

“Mr. Martin, I dumped it because I don’t want someone to eat it by mistake, he could have been killed!”

Marry grinned, clapping to clean dirt on her hands.

“Oh, shit! You guys are just some dumbasses! It is genuine! It can be sold with more than twenty million dollars if it is bid on an auction.”

Gary growled with indignation, looking very upset, “You are wasting good things! How come you guys just don’t trust me!”

And he turned round and left straight away.

“Gosh, what happened to Gary? Is he leaving?”

Karl followed behind him.

Gary stopped his pace when he was near to his Rolls-Royce. He turned to Karl, and said with coolness, “Bro, I suggest you, for the sake of our years of friendship, stop cooperating with the Zouch family. They are very short-sighted; it will be very difficult to expand business with them.”

“Buddy, what do you mean by saying so?”

Karl’s face appeared with bitterness.

Gary gave a sneer, “You don’t really think a young man, who lives in his wife’s house, can’t give them a gift costing tens of million dollars, do you? The Zouch family made a big mistake! Well, I had said enough, trust me or not, it’s up to you! I am leaving now!”

Gary directly jumped into the car and the car sped away, after finishing his words.

Karl was left with confusion.

Karl understood Gary very well.

Gary was a shrewd judge of character.

And he could get a lot of information from every little thing.

According to his words, the young man that was expelled by the Zouch family must be extraordinary.

“Mr. Karl, what is going with Gary? Is it necessary to be irritated by a box of tea? I was worrying his safety, for the tea might be poisonous.”

Richard said acidly.

He felt like he was disrespected, but he was trying to be nice to Gary.

Karl looked at Richard, frowning, “Mr. Zouch, you made a big mistake!”

“Can you be more specific?”

Richard curled his eyebrows.

“Gary is a tea lover, and he knows every kind of tea. He can tell them apart by just smelling it. The tea you just dumped was a real one!”

Karl explained impatiently.

He thought Richard was a fool to not trust in Gary.


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