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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 204

When Baron held Susan in his arms, their bodies were rubbing with each other, for he was topless, and she was wearing a thong and a tiny bikini top.

He was turned on, when he felt the warmth of her body.

But in no time, Baron calmed himself down.

“You sit down, I will check it!”

Baron pushed Susan away, and helped her to sit down, pretending to be chill.

Susan started to feel upset, but she still looked painful, “Baron, Did I just break my ankle? It really hurts, I can’t walk now.”

Baron kept silent, staring at the wound on the ankle. It was only red and a little swollen.

It looked like it was just a slight sprain. It wouldn’t be that serious that she could not even walk.

“Don’t worry, your foot is fine, it was just a small twist.”

Baron got on his feet, and said coolly, “Wait for me here, I go get some pain relievers.”

Before Susan stopped him, he was meters away already.

Seeing his back, Susan bit her lips, with tears starting to fill in her eyes. She muttered to herself, “Why it wasn’t me to meet you first?”

She fell in love with Baron at the first time he saved her from the car accident.

In these days, she kept thinking about him. She dreamed about him. She missed the way Baron held her in his arms.

However, when she thought of him, she also reminded Tracy.

She liked Baron, but she was also the bestie of Tracy. Before she met Baron, their friendship was pure and happy. But after that, she was in a great struggling.

She wanted to call Baron for many times. But she didn’t do it because she didn’t want to break Tracy’s heart. So, she tried hard to suppress her feelings.

She got into another car assassination today. She did everything she could to get them lost, but she failed.

When she was about to be crashed to death, Baron showed up and saved her again.

What a coincidence that Baron saved her twice. It made her fonder of him. Therefore, she first checked which hotel Baron was checking in. She then pretended to come across him in the lobby of the hotel. And at last, she booked a room beside Baron’s.

In order to create the chance to get along with Baron alone, she even called and made Terry have to leave.

At the time she was in deep thinking, Baron, who changed clothes already, came over with a medical spray.

“It is a medical spray specialized for ankle injury. It is very useful to relieve the pain.”

Baron said, and then he sprayed it on her ankle.

Quickly, a cool feeling came all the way down from her ankle to her brain.

Susan knew that if she kept faking it, Baron might notice what was going on. So, she faked a delighted expression, “Amazing, it heals, I don’t feel the pain anymore!”

Baron smiled, “Really? Good for you, let’s get back to room!”

In this time, Baron just accompanied Susan back to the door of her room and got back to his own room.

In the room, all Baron was thinking was Susan wearing her black sexy bikini at the swimming pool.

He was a manly man, and of course, he needed sex. His wife Tracy was beautiful and hot, but he just had sex with her five years ago, after that, he had no more sex.

Susan was a pretty lady with a hot figure, which was really tempting to Baron. It was incredible for him to bear her seduction.

“What the hell am I thinking?”

All of a sudden, Baron barked to himself.

At the meantime, in the Zouch Courtyard in Kato.

After being slapped by Karl, Marry left the Zouch Courtyard testily for a lunch with her friend in a restaurant. Now, she just got back to the Zouch Courtyard.

“Tracy, I just happen to have two tickets of an antique exhibition at Kato Museum in the downtown, do you have any interest to go have a look there with me?”

Marry said intimately to Tracy, holding her hands.

“Marry, what tricks do you play this time?”


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