By this time, the dead silence reigned all round. All eyes were on Baron. They were from Kato, except Martin, so they had heard all Jacob’s stories before.
But they couldn’t figure out why Jacob, the best killer in Kato, stood behind a young man respectfully. They looked at Baron carefully and found that he was young looking and fearless. They were very curious which family he was from.
Todd got trampled. He moved a little, trying to break free. But Baron trod on his head harder. Then he felt a considerable pain and yelled, “Ouch! It really hurts. Dad, help me!”
“No matter who you are, you’d better let him go, buddy! Or…” But before Martin could say another word, Todd yelled again. “Ouch! Ouch! That hurt.”
Martin was outraged. His face was red with sudden anger.
Tom stood quietly without having a word. He knew Jacob was a proud man. He had tried to hire him and promised him a very generous salary, but he failed.
Tom was confused why Jacob chose a young man, but he knew the young man was definitely not an ordinary guy.
Hardon was on his knees, trembling from head to foot. He even dared not raise his eyes.
The room was jam-packed. Marry stood on tiptoe in the door, but she could see nothing except the people in front.
However, Marry didn’t seem worried at all. People in the room all came from powerful families. So, there was no possible way that Baron could come out alive from this room. At the thought, a slight smile broke on her lips.
Unlike Marry, people in the room looked extremely apprehensive. Jacob was enough to make them all panic. Most of them were from Kato. They had heard so much about him.
“You don’t know who I am, right? Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Martin, the leader of the Brook family. I don’t blame you if you let Todd off,” Martin said with an evil look at Baron.
But Baron showed no emotion, he said coldly, “Is this some kind of threat? In that case, I will take your son’s life!”
Actually, at first, Baron intended to give Todd a little punishment. But now he was irritated by Martin’s words. He thought Martin should paid a terrible price for this.
“Honey, let him go. OK?” said Tracy in a hushed voice. She was afraid to create a new conflict.
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