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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

All eyes turned to Maxie, whose face looked grey

Her?Casper asked again in disbelief, A soldier? Are you seriously going to dump all of your shits on her?” 

It’s the truth.Baron said, She went behind my back and gave Janet the wrong map. I had no idea of that.” 

People all stared at Maxie perplexedly

Yet she still kept her mouth shut as though she had nothing to say about Baron’s accusation

Stop fu cking lying,Casper said irritably. That man has already confessed. It was clearly you!” 

There was cold sweat on Baron’s forehead. But he still insisted

I don’t know what got into that stupid man’s head, or what I have done to wrong him. But the truth is that Maxie did it! Ask her if you like!” 

Maxie slightly quivered. It would seem like that she was afraid of her crimes getting exposed right now

But Janet felt there was something wrong in this

She turned to Daran and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear, Do you know anything about this soldier Maxie?” 

Daran nodded, Yes. She was a very strong and capable warrior. In fact, if it wasn’t for her records, she would become a general a long time ago.” 

What kind of record?Janet frowned

Criminal record. She was put into, prison for 3 months because of stealing.” 

Janet was stunned

This Maxie woman seemed very decent to herbut looked like you couldn’t judge a book by its cover


Baron suddenly let out a furjous roar

He jumped at Maxie and landed a hard kick on her back. Maxie stumbled forward and still held her head down in silence

Confess your crime, now!Baron snarled, Haven’t you done enough shameful stuffs? I gave you a second chance after you got out of prison, Yet you completely disappointed me, AGAIN!” 

The looks on everyone’s face changed when they heard that Maxie was in prison


A woman with criminal recordThat made her seem more suspicious than before. 

Baron was about to hit Maxie again

But Janet called him to stop

That is enough Gamma Baron. Stop abusing your soldier in front of us,Janet said with an ironic smile, I was almost beginning to think that you are blackmailing her to confess.” 

What? That is absurd! I do not need to blackmail anybody. The truth is the truth!” 

Baron turned to Bobbie and said

Ask Bobbie. Did you notice anything weird about Maxie before the competition began?” 

Bobbie quickly nodded, Yes! She was very sneaky and talked for a long while with that man. It must be about the map.” 

See? I told you-” 

I don’t want anyone else’s testimony.Janet got off the bed and walked to Maxie, Maxie, could you tell us if you did it or not? Don’t be afraid of saying out the truth. We will all protect you.” 

Maxie held her head down in silence

After a long time, she slowly rose her head but avoided Janet’s eyes

Yes,she said dryly. I did it.” 

An astonished gasp could be heard from the crowd

Janet stared closely at Maxie and pursued, Are you sure? Don’t feel any pressure to own up to anything you didn’t do!” 

Maxie shook her head slowly

She was still gazing into the air instead of Janet

I’m sure. I did it,she repeated lowly

Ha!Baron clapped his hand excitedly, a triumph grin on his face. I told you! Maxie is guilty!” 

Casper rubbed the furrow between his brows in frustration, But it doesn’t make any sense. Maxie doesn’t even know Janet. Why would she do such a thing?” 

Who knows?Baron said dismissively, She is a woman. Woman does all kinds of crazy things. She is probably just jealous of Janet and that is why she did it.” 

His voice was filled with indignation

Then he grabbed Maxie by her hair and started banging her head violently against 

the wall

Stupid bitch! Completely ruined my reputation! I should have never given you that chance! Idiot-” 

STOP!Janet snaped./ 

Daran spoke up at the same time in a stern voice, Cut it off right now! Baron you are not an executioner. You have no right to abuse her like that!” 

He paused and turned to his guards, Take Maxie to the cell. I will discuss with the executioner later about her punishment.” 

No.Janet said, There is no need. I can think of a punishment right now.” 

Janet was glaring at Baron right now

Her bright eyes gleamed with flaming rage as though she was going to lose it the next second

Baron couldn’t help but take a step back in fear, Why the hell are you looking at me?” 

Janet ignored him

She turned to Daran and asked, As the victim of this incident, can I decide the punishment?” 

Daran hesitated for a second and then nodded, Sure.” 

No matter what I want?” 

It is entirely up to you.” 


Janet strode over to Baron and looked down at him icily

Then I want you, Baron, to be paraded through the street while a speaker announcing your crime for all passersby to hear!” 

The entire room lapsed into silence

Maxie snapped her head around and looked at Janet astonishedly

Baron widened his eyes in shock. A few seconds later, he suddenly burst into laughter

What the fu ckare you crazy? I didn’t do anything! Why should I get punished for this?” 

Janet raised a brow

Because you are her Gamma,Janet sneered. Remember what you said to me back in the forest? A Gamma should be responsible for his or her own soldiers. If I should be responsible for my soldier’s injuries, you should also be responsible for your soldier’s crimes.” 

Baron’s face turned red, and he yelled, It is not the same thing— 


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