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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

Baron was dragged to the outside and shoved into a truck

Soldiers cuffed his hands to the bars and shut the truck’s doors

Even at this point, Baron was still yelling at these soldiers in rage

Hey! Open your damn eyes! I’m your Gamma for fu ck’s sake! You dare to lock me in here? Wait till I get back! I will snap your fu cking hands!!” 

Stop yelling, Gamma Baron.Glen walked to the truck and looked up at Baron with a smile. You can use some of that strength later.” 

Baron glared at him furiously, What the fu ck are you doing here?!” 

Janet and Alpha Casper asked me a favor.” 

Glen opened the truck’s passenger’s door and hopped in

I am tagging along as the third party to make sure that this punishment is carried out rightly.” 

You son of a bitch!!” 

Baron shook his handcuffs against the bars and cried, You are definitely here to gloat! Let me go! Just fu cking let me go!!” 

But no one listened to him

The truck slowly took off from the hotel and drove into the central downtown

Its presence caught people’s eves immediately

People stopped on the street and started to gaze at Baron in perplex

Baron’s face gradually turned red

He wanted to hide his face under his elbows, but he couldn’t because his hands were cuffed to the bars

And the speaker installed on top of the truck started to broadcast


I, Gamma Baron of the Riverside Pack, hereby apologize for my mistakes. I cheated in the competition and gave my competitors the wrong map, leading them into the bear cave. I put Gamma Janet’s life in risk. I disappointed my Alpha and all my soldiers. I’m evil and despicable” 

Baron cried desperately within the sound of the broadcast

No! No! It’s not me! I didn’t do it! I’m here taking the blame for one of my soldiers

For fu ck’s sake! Turn down that broadcast!” 

But nobody heard him

The broadcast even got louder as it started to repeat itself

I, Gamma Baron of the Riverside Pack, hereby apologize for my mistakes. I cheated in the competition” 

Baron’s furious voice was completely drowned by the noise

More and more people were gathered by the streetside to see the parade. They pointed at Baron and whispered to each other

Look, that is Gamma Baron.” 

I heard that he had done many shameful stuffs before. But nobody dares to challenge him because of his power.” 

He totally deserves this. Well done.” 

A few kids even followed the truck and spat at Baron

Baron was in rage

But there was nothing he could do but to bear with the public humiliation as the parade went on

At this moment, on the top floor of the hotel, Daran was looking down at the parade closely

You knew he was guilty,a voice came from behind him

Janet walked up to Daran with a cold look on her face

“He was clearly behind everything. Yet somehow, he managed to get Maxie to take the blame for him!” 

Janet stared at Daran with a stern look

If I didn’t step out today, are you going to punish Maxie instead?” 

Daran looked back at her calmly

Of course not.He said, I was going to talk to my executioner and ask them to dig deeper into the case.” 

Janet let out a sneer. And how long is that going to take? While the investigation is 

still going on, do you think Baron will just stop telling everyone that Maxie is guilty? Eventually, people just stop caring about the truth anymore. Because they are all convinced that Maxie is the real criminal!” 

A furrow appeared between Daran’s brows

How do you know about these stuffs so clearly?he asked


Because that was how Harper treated her in the past

Janet knew very well what it felt like to be charged with a crime that she didn’t convict

Anyway,Janet said evasively. You should pay more attention to Maxie. I think she is blackmailed by Baron somehow.” 

She turned to leave

But Daran grabbed her hand and stopped her

We are not finished here!he said in a strained voice, You still haven’t told me how you got those frostbites. And how do you know about these stuffs so well? And” 

There were so many things that he didn’t know about Janet

He used to find his Luna very dull and boring

Plus, according to Harper, evil

But ever since that kidnap, Janet had changed

Or maybe she didn’t change at all

He just never really understood her in the past

Tell me, Janet.Daran said eagerly and stepped closer to her. Answer my question-‘ 

Please let go of her Alpha Daran.” 

A tall figure appeared around the corner

Casper strode over and rescued Janet’s hand from his grip

Darting a warning look at Daran, Casper snorted, Janet had suffered enough. I think she can use a few peaceful days away from you guys. Now, please excuse us

Then he warped his arm around Janet’s shoulder and took her away, leaving Daran to stand by the window alone with a frustrated look on his face


The parade carried on throughout the entire afternoon

Baron’s voice eventually became hoarse because of all the screaming. His hands were bleeding from his struggles against the handcuff

The truck finally took him back after 5 hours of suffering

People gradually spread out on the street. Everybody was talking enthusiastically about the awkward look that Baron had on his face

Harper was among the crowd as well 

But she seemed more furious than happy

Coming back to her own house, Harper dashed across the living room in fume and burst open the kitchen’s door

I’M SO FU CKING SICK OF HER!!!!she screamed

Paul, Hellen, and John were all having afternoon tea in the kitchen

And they all turned to look at her

Harper stormed into the kitchen and paced back and forth in the room anxiously

That bitchhow on earth did she get Daran to punish Baron for her? I can’t believe itshe doesn’t have that kind of influence on Daranno” 

A maid just came into the kitchen carrying a pot of hot tea

Harper jerked around and glared at the maid


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