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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 

Everyone in the room turned to look at Janet, who frowned at Glen’s question

Rogue’s language? What are you talking about?she asked

Glen looked reluctant. After letting out a long sigh, he continued, I didn’t want to say anything at first but since we are naming names nowRemember that strange howling we heard? None of us knew what that meant. But your guard Kass understood it completely.” 

So? He helped us. What is your point?Janet snapped

It is odd for a soldier like him to know the rogue’s language. And you encountered the rogues following Kass’s instructions, right? To a creek down the West. How do you know if he was lured into a trap on purpose?” 

Yeah, that does sound weird,Jeff echoed. And didn’t you say that you got separated from Kass right after you went into the woods? He was sending you into the rogue’s hands!” 

Janet sprang out of her seat, her face looking furious

Kass is my most trusted warrior. I won’t let you question his loyalty like this-she hissed

Steven let out a sarcastic snort, Oh so now we can’t do it to your soldier? But it is OK to question other people’s loyalty? Way to play the double standard, Gamma Janet.” 

Daran looked towards Janet

Did you tell Kass about our plan, Janet?he asked with a deep voice

Janet clenched her fists. She seemed reluctant but eventually gave a small nod, I told both him and Balvina. Because they are both captains of our advance force.” 

Well, there you have it!Steven clapped his hands together, The mole! We found him!” 

Hold on a second,Maxie interrupted him, Kass is a great warrior. And he has been in battles against the rogues many times before. It doesn’t make any sense for him to leak our battle plans to the rogues. What can he get out of it?” 

What is the back story of this soldier, Janet? Where does he come from? Does he have any families?Glen asked

Janet bit her lips in silence 

She seemed that she didn’t want to answer his questions at all. But the other’s were too sharp. She was left with no choice


Kass grew up by the border.” 

She began slowly

There was a brutal battle against the roguesHe came to us after the battle and volunteered to serve in our army because he had lost his entire family in the war. He 


didn’t have anywhere else to go.” 

So that’s what he told you,Jeff chimed in and said, Did you do a background check on him? See if he is really a member of your pack?” 

He stared at Janet waiting for her answer

We tried.” 

Janet said with a strained voice

But he lived in the forest alone with his parents. His house was burnt to the ground during the war. Truethere isn’t any hard evidence to back his story. But he was only 12 years old at the time! Do you seriously think the rogues would send a kid to spy on us?!” 

It is possible! That age is old enough to hold a gun. And it didn’t raise any suspicions!Jeff cried loudly

So it all adds up! Doesn’t it!Steven banged the desk hard, Kass is a rogue the entire time. He hid among us for years, working his way up and stole information from us and leaked it to the rogues. I can’t believe this! You brought enemies into this alliance, Janet!” 

Janet felt a cold chill down her spine

At this very moment, even she started to question it

Could Kass be the mole

But then she remembered all the times they spent together, all the laughs they shared. She also remembered all the tears in Kass’s eyes when he talked about his parents, who got killed by the rogues. The hatred and longing for vengeance didn’t seem made up

She didn’t believe that Kass would betray her

Not in a million years

Taking in a deep breath, Janet looked around the room and said, Kass grew up by the border and it is natural for him to know the rogue’s language. He had been nothing but a loyal soldier so far. Until any hard evidence came upHe still has my trust.” 

Steven let out an angry low roar

Maxie and Glen both frowned with disapproval

Jeff looked between two sides, and he seemed torn, Now we are back to square one again. Alpha Daran, you have said a word. Any thoughts?” 

Daran rose from his seat

With everyone staring, he walked to the door and called over a Riverside soldier, asking him to find Kass

We should hear what Kass has to say,said him deeply

Moments later, Kass was brought into the room

You requested to see me?he asked blankly. Did anything happen?” 


Maxie briefly concluded what they had been discussing and asked Kass with a soft voice, Don’t worry, Kass. We won’t accuse you of anything you didn’t do. But you have to be honest with usDid you, or did you not, leak our battle plan to the rogues?” 

NO!Kass cried loudly, his eyes widened with shock

II can’t believe thisYou think I am working for the rogues?he snarled, The rogues killed my parents! They cut open my mother’s belly and let her bleed to death! I hate them! ALL OF THEM!!” 

But you spoke the rogue’s language,Glen asked. How do you explain that?I grew up by the border. It’s natural—” 

Many people grew up by the border and they don’t speak the rogue’s tone,Maxie shook her head

IWe lived in the forest. So I met the rogues more often than the others did- 

Oh, what an easy story!Steven cried loudly, Alpha Daran, I am telling you, this kid is guilty! We should execute him right now and send his head to the rogues as a message!” 

Kass’s body trembled

He looked at Janet, his eyes gleaming with tears

GGamma JanetYou believe in me, don’t you?he said with a shaky voice. You know me the bestPlease say something” 

The painful look on his face made Janet’s heart ache. She walked to his side and took his icy cold hand into her palm

Yeah. I trust you,she said lightly

Unbelievable!Steven roared

Janet stood in front of Kass and turned to face the others. There was a determined look on her face

Kass is a victim of the rogues, just like me. I believe in him. Until we have any hard evidence at hand, I won’t let anyone touch him.” 

But the mole-” 

I am with Janet,Maxie sighed. We shouldn’t wrong the good. Or what is the difference between us and the rogues? I guess we will just have to keep looking for any signs of that mole.” 


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