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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 

Janet looked at him blankly. It took her a long moment to process what he just said

After what felt like an eternity to Kass, Janet finally muttered with a dry voice, This joke isn’t funny, Kass.” 

I wish it were a joke. But it wasn’t,Kass said breathing heavily. II can’t keep this from you any longer, knowing that you trust me this muchYou deserve to know-” 

But you said your parents died in the rogue’s hand!Janet snapped harshly, Was that a lie as well?!” 

NO! That’s true! Listen” 

Kass took a deep breath before continuing. He kept his voice low the whole time in case anyone would hear them

I grew up among the rogues. But my family never identified us with those ravagers. We never hurt an innocent person’s life, nor did we ever take pleasure from all the killings and robbing. So they looked down upon us, bullied us, and made our lives miserable. One day, a senior rogue named Sterning-” 

You know Sterning?Janet gritted

Yes. He is the rogue king’s right hand. Does all kinds of dirty work for him.Kass said lowly, Sterning came into our house and asked my parents to join them in the next attack on a nearby village. My parents resisted fiercelySo they cut my mother’s belly open and hung my father on a flagpole as an example.” 

A cold sensation surged up in Janet’s chest

Where were you when that happened?she asked

Hiding in the closet. As my mother told me to. I witnessed the whole thingbut was lucky enough to survive them. And after that, I couldn’t take it anymore. I knew I had to runas far away as possible. Blood Moon defeated them during that attack, so 

I knew it was my chance-” 

So you pretended to be an orphan and enlisted in the army,Janet murmured

She couldn’t believe this

She was so convinced that Kass was one hundred percent innocent! She defended him harshly in front of all the Gammas

Yet now he was telling her that he had been lying to her all along?! 

So that’s why you know the rogue’s tone,she snarled as her chest tightened in the horrible feeling of betrayal. Because you are one of them all along- 

NO! I am not! I might have lied about my identity but my hatred towards them is real-” 

But how do you expect me to believe you again?!” 

Janet snapped her head up and glared at Kass

You lied right into my face. To everyone! Why didn’t you tell the truth when Daran and the others asked about it earlier?” 

Because I knew if I told them, they would send me away!” 

Kass grabbed Janet’s wrist and begged with a trembling voice, Please, JanetI am not scared of dying. I am just afraid thatI will be separatedfrom you.” 

Janet looked away from him

Her chest rose and fell rapidly in anger

So what do you want me to do then?she asked gritting her teeth, Do you want me to hide this from everyone else while still keeping you in this army?” 

I just want to stay by your side.” 

But how do I know if everything you just told me is another lie of yours? How can I ever trust you again with any battle plans? How can I trust you to lead my soldiers?!” 

But you just said it yourselfKass cried, raising his voice, –that you will trust me no matter what!” 

That is before you told me that you are my biggest nemesis!Janet bellowed

They glared at each other, both panting roughly

Kass took a step back. The next second, he shifted into a brown wolf

Janet watched him stiffly

What was he doing? she asked herself internally. Did he get mad and want to bite her 

head off

Janet was sad to realize that she couldn’t stop thinking about the worst of Kass right 


Yet instead of attacking her, the brown wolf lay down on the ground and rolled around, exposing its belly area to Janet

See that thundershaped mark?he asked

There was indeed a thundershaped imprint on his upper belly region, which looked like a brand left by a hot iron. It burned so deeply into his flesh that it was still there even after years

All rogue’s kids got one of those on the day of their birth,Kass said lowly. There were times when I wanted to grab a knife and gouge it outI can’t choose who I am or where I came from. But does my identity matter more than my own will?” 

Janet stared at his uglyshaped brand

Her chest contracted with the cold feeling of sadness and despair

Then, without saying anything else to Kass, she turned on her heel and walked away. The daylight broke from the horizon, calling the dark forest back to life. Daran left a group of soldiers at Fox Town helping the people there to clear up the mess. The rest of them all headed back to the packhouse

The group was exceptionally quiet on the way back

Janet knew that everyone was thinking about the mole. Suspicion and doubt were spreading like a plague and there was nothing she could do to stop it

Plus, she was carrying a dark secret with her, which could potentially get all of them killed in the future

When they arrived back at the packhouse, Daran asked them to catch a rest. Janet did 

as he said and went back to her own room

But she couldn’t sleep

Kass’s identity was like a clog in her throat, making it hard for her to breathe

Should she break it to the others

If she did that, Kass would definitely be executed. Even worse, Casper and the entire Blood Moon Pack would be in trouble because they took in a rogue… 

But if she kept the secret, what if the mole acted again

Could she be sure that Kass was not the mole

These questions weighed on Janet’s heart as she tossed and turned through the night. When she finally woke up the next morning, feeling worn out and exhausted, she got a message from Daran asking her to meet them in his office

All 5 Gammas were in the room when Janet arrived

Steven was clearly still holding the grudge from yesterday. He snorted coldly when Janet entered the room and snapped his head towards the other side

Maxie pulled out a chair and gestured for Janet to sit with her



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