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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 1

Puxi airport, Haidong City.

Carrying with a green handbag, Frank Ye strode out of the airport.

"It’s been eight years. Haidong has changed a lot!" Frank Ye got a lot of feelings when he was looking at the flourishing street in front of him.

Eight years ago, He left H Country and matriculated at the Royal Military School in Siberia.

There, he spent two years on finishing the educational purgatory that others even could not make it in five years, and then graduated with a double first in practical and theoretical courses.

After graduation, he stepped into Africa, the land of war, alone. At the age of eighteen, he was fighting his way through most of Africa while his peers were studying in high school.

The Dragon Lord Mercenary Regiment he had set up also became a nightmare for African rebels. In the African war zone, where there was Dragon Lord (alias Frank Ye in the Regiment), thousands of troops would evade him!

No one knew that Frank Ye was the master of the Dragon Lord Mercenary Regiment.

Frank Ye had transformed from a playboy to a dark king in eight years.

This year, Frank Ye was 24 years old. He returned to H Country with scars and honor.

He came back for a woman, who he had never met.

Frank Ye smiled bitterly. He had never expected that the traditional parental betrothal would happen to him.

If it was not for Master Ye who threatened him with his life, he would never have returned home.

When he was thinking about how to get along with his fiancée, a tall and pretty girl in front of him asked, "Are you Frank Ye?"

A girl about eighteen or nineteen years old was looking at Frank Ye coldly. She was wearing a white off-the-shoulder T-shirt and a blue denim shorts. She had two straight and slim legs. She was delicate and fair-skinned. She was a rare beauty.

“If she looks less cold, it would be better.”Frank Ye thought. He felt the girl was hostile to him, but he was sure that he had never met the girl before.

"You are..." Frank Ye was a little confused.

Cindy Chu looked up and down at Frank. She frowned when seeing what Frank was wearing. Was this kind of person appropriate to be her brother-in-law?

"I’m Cindy Chu, Cecilia Chu's younger sister." Cindy said slightly.

Frank raised his eyebrows. This little girl was actually his sister-in-law.

"Hello..." Frank reached out his hand and smiled at Cindy. They would become a family in the future after all. He had to impress his sister-in-law.

But Cindy stood there with her arms crossed. She didn’t want to shake hands with him.

"Go back. You should not come to Haidong City." she said in a unpleasant tone, looking at Frank coldly.

Frank frowned and took back his hand.

"What do you mean? Is Haidong City yours?” Frank asked lightly. He felt that the girl was dead against him from the beginning, and now she spoke to him in that tone of voice.

"Haidong City isn’t mine. But I bet that you would know who's the owner if you insist on meeting my sister.” Cindy was still indifferent. In Haidong City, Cecilia's admirers could form a reinforced regiment. All of them were elites, and anyone of them was much better than Frank.

Actually, some people were already waiting for breaking Frank's leg outside Chu's house.


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