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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 13

"From then on, we never owe each other!"

Frank turned and strode away.

Now the most important thing was to go back to Jiangzhou City and found out what happened.

He didn't believe that the kind-hearted old man would suddenly pass away.

Cecilia looked at Frank's back and turned to Cindy who was still startled and said, "Cindy, what you said before is too much."


Cindy pursed her lips, she regretted saying like that, what's worse, Cecilia was involved in being beaten.

"You..." Cecilia sighed and patted Cindy's head, then got into the car with her.

After the car started for a long time, Cindy just recovered.

"Cecilia, since Master Ye is gone, don't you forget about your marriage?" Asked Cindy, who had revived.

Frank didn't like Cecilia at all. This marriage was just a form.

Cecilia stunned, shaking her head, even if she and Frank had such a thought, this time was not appropriate.

"Cecilia, I advise you to think about it." Cindy said, such a thing should be solved a complicated by a quick and drastic action, the longer it lasted, the more problems it occurred.

They were chatting in the car and did not notice that they were being followed by two black Volkswagen cars. And the car which had been following them suddenly accelerated when they were turning the corner.


With a loud noise, their car suddenly got out of control, rushed onto the sidewalk, and finally got stuck in the wall of the roadside shop.

The alarm in the car kept ringing, and all the airbags popped out. Cecilia and Cindy were already unconscious.

With the sound of cars stopping near their car, and the bodyguards behind them didn't respond. Seven or eight strong men rushed to the car and held up them and left.

At this time, the bodyguard behind them just got out of the car.

When they saw the sisters had been taken away, they were livid. They didn’t expect that someone would kidnap the sisters so wantonly in Haidong City.

"Contact captain Zhang and call the police. I'll follow them!"

One of them yelled at the other, they got into the car in a hurry and ran after the car that took the two sisters away.

With the bodyguard phone call out, the whole Haidong City was restless. After all, the Chu Family's power in Haidong city could not be underestimated.

What's more, such a blatant kidnapping was a provocation to the leading group of Haidong City.

Everyone took action. Soon, the location of the kidnapper was found out, and then everyone was stunned.

Flying-dragon Building of Flying-dragon Group.

On the top floor of the building, Dick was sitting in a wheelchair, and he was constantly looking at Cecilia and Cindy coldly.

"Are they beautiful?" Dick asked gloomily.

The strong man who stood behind Dick was staring at the sisters. He trembled and didn't know how to answer.

"They are beautiful."

Dick said lightly, and then roared: "Damn it!I was disabled. I can’t have sex with these pretty girls who were in front of me. Do you know how painful I am?"

The office was quiet, no one dared to provoke Dick, who was furious now.


A slight gasp broke the silence. Cecilia opened her eyes slightly and her sight was a little blurry.

“What's wrong with me?

Didn't I go to get the certificate with Frank? Later, we drove on the road, and...” Cecilia thought. The booming noise still resounded in her mind.


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