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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 16


The glass shattered. And the sound of wind rang in the ears. Cecilia bit her lips tightly, “It's worth it to die like this.”

Burying her head in Frank's embrace and listening to the powerful heartbeat, Cecilia closed her eyes.

She thought she would die. But she never thought she would die in the arms of a man.

It was just… She felt so unhappy.

There were so many more things she wanted to do.


There was a roar. Huge fire accompanied by smoke swarmed out from behind the two of them. And Frank could vaguely hear Dick's unwilling roar.

“Do you want to die with me? You're overthinking it.”

Frank crooked up the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile. Then he climbed with his left hand and steadily grabbed onto the side eaves of the outer end of the building, making his descending body come to an abrupt halt while protecting Cecilia in his arms. The things crackling down from above hit on his body.

At the same time, the people below the building, including Edward, were all stupid.

"I knew it. I shouldn't have let that b*stard go up there. Ye family, I want you to be buried with him, buried with him!" Bruce was going crazy as he clenched his teeth and his voice sounded as if it was seeping out from the hell, which was freezingly cold.

Edward tightly wrinkled his eyebrows. Bruce threatened to burn somebody in front of a public security director, which was challenging his authority. However, after thinking about it, he held back the words he was going to say in his throat.

The hostage was yet to be saved. And although Dick Zhang, the most heinous criminal, died along, he would be in big trouble and the higher-ups definitely would blame him. At that time, the fact that getting an ordinary citizen like Frank Ye involved in such a matter would be enough to put him in a difficult situation.

"Director, someone's coming out."

Suddenly, there was a loud shout. Edward and Bruce both looked in unison and saw Cindy running out from the entrance of the building in tears.


Bruce shouted in surprise, quickly walked up to Cindy, and embraced her in his arms.

"Daddy, sister, she did it for me… " Cindy sobbed as she was in tears.

Bruce caressed Cindy's hair with his trembling hand and choked, "I know. I know. It's good that you're fine. It's good that you're fine."

Edward forced himself as he asked, "Mr. Chu, we need to ask Miss Chu some questions. I wonder… " Anyway, he had to know what was going on inside.

"Get out!" Bruce was furious, looking like a lion, as he protected Cindy behind his back, "Don't even think about it."

Anger flashed across Edward's face. He, who was the public security chief of Haidong City, couldn’t tolerate being scolded by Bruce like this.

As Edward was about to get angry, there came news from his subordinates, "Director, the armed police reported that someone jumped out before the explosion."

“Did someone jump out?”

Edward was slightly stunned, subconsciously looking towards the top of the building.

The fire from the explosion had long since dissipated. And amidst the smoke, there were indeed two people hanging on the wall below the top floor.

"It's Frank Ye and Cecilia Chu!" Edward's tone indicated that he was happy.

The fact that they were still alive was a great blessing.

"Sister and Frank Ye?" Cindy opened her mouth wide in surprise, wondering whether they were still alive.

Bruce twitched the corner of his mouth, barely revealing a smile. And the ruthlessness dissipated in his eyes.


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