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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 18

“A lonely and wild ghost.”

Frank narrowed his eyes, wondering whether he had become a lonely ghost now.

Sidney’s words did make sense. He has no other family members in this world except for Master Ye.

Therefore, he had to find out what had happened to Master Ye and no one should try to stop him.

"Gone too far?" Sidney laughed, "Paul, do you think I'm overdoing it? I don't think it's too excessive to say whatever I want about a dude who wants to do something to his family."

"That’s enough!"

Paul roared. As his face was full of rage, he stared at Sidney, "Second young master, eight years ago, you were still young and didn't know anything. If you speak nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!"


Sidney changed the look on his face abruptly, "You are the steward of the Ye Family. Remember who you are. Moreover, eight years ago, I was eleven years old. I knew what it meant to be ungrateful and bold!"

Frank frowned. He could see the pain that flashed in Sidney's eyes as he said this.

"Cough! Cough… " Paul was so angry that he kept coughing.

Frank coldly glanced at Sidney and whispered to comfort Paul.

Sidney was panting. It was as if he had run three thousand meters before saying what he had said before. He felt that his heart went blank after saying it, always feeling empty.

"Young Master, I… I… " Paul guiltily looked at Frank. Regarding the things back then, he knew them in his heart. But nobody believed what he said. Nobody was convinced by his words.

"Don't blame yourself." Frank smiled towards Paul, "Without the Ye Family, I'm living a very prosperous life. This time, if it were not for the Master Ye's matter, I wouldn't have come back here."

Paul secretly shed tears. Frank’s words couldn’t help relieve the guilty in his heart.

Frank didn't force him. He pointed at the two people behind Sidney with his fingers, "You two, send Paul to rest."

The two looked at each other into the eyes and then turned to Sidney for help.

Sidney shouted with a black face, "What are you looking at me for? Don't you obey what Paul says?"

The two men seemed to be relieved and rushed to Paul's side as they held Paul. Ignoring Paul, who wanted to say something further, they carried him and headed inside.

After Paul left, Sidney said, "The one who is in the way is gone. Will you leave on your own? Or should I send you away?"

As Sidney's voice fell, the people behind him all took a step forward, looking forbidding and intimidating.

"I came back here today for only one thing."

Frank coldly looked at the crowd, "I want to find out how the old man died!"

"You're insolent!" Sidney exploded.

"You can try to stop me." Frank sneered, moving his arms and legs, "It has been eight years since I last saw you. Let's see what you've been capable of."

"Get him out of here!"

With a wave of Sidney's hand, the crowd behind him all pressed towards Frank.

"Are you trying to beat me by many forces of yours?" Frank grunted coldly. Instead of retreating, he charged into the crowd with great strides. “Bang! Bang!” With two kicks, he kicked away two people, while three people were beaten down by his fists. And with a final roundhouse kick, he kicked away the person who was rushing to the front of him, making them scream and roll to the feet of Sidney and Joey.

Patting his spotless clothes, Frank snorted, "Vulnerable."

Sidney's body trembled slightly. And fear flashed in his eyes. But he stood stubbornly in place with a stubborn face.

“Poof!” Joey went down on his knees, shivering and lowering his head, who didn’t even the courage to look at Frank.

"Is this what you're relying on?" Frank walked to Sidney's side and stared into his eyes, "Sidney, you know nothing about true power."


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