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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 21

Cecilia didn't know that her fate was being manipulated again, and the one who did it was one of her family.

One night, Cecilia was not resting well. Although she was taking medicine, Cecilia still couldn't fall asleep in pain in the middle of the night, and her tears were dripping down. Cecilia had to make sure to wipe away the tears immediately, otherwise the tears would seep into the wound. Then, the wound would hurt even more.

It wasn't until early morning that Cecilia couldn't help but fall asleep. She napped for a while.

Not long after she fell asleep, Cecilia was awakened by her servant.

"A visitor?" Cecilia looked at the servant in confusion.

The servant nodded, "Miss, he said he is Gary, a good friend of Mr. Frank. Mr. Gary is a soldier. He is a colonel."

Cecilia asked in surprise after hearing this, "A soldier?"

The servant nodded.

Cecilia thought for a while, and said, "Take him to the living room, and I will go down immediately."

When Cecilia dressed herself and came to the living room, Gary was a little anxious.

"You are Frank’s wife, right?" Gary smiled and stood up.

Cecilia's eyes lit up. Different from Frank's ordinary look, Gary was sunny and handsome. And he was calm in his middle age, which made people feel good at first sight.

But...what the hell was Frank’s wife?

"In short, I'm here this time because of Frank's request." Gary said while pointing at the things he brought.

Only then did Cecilia see what Gary had brought on the coffee table in the living room. It was a simple box, and a thick stack of documents.


"These are the research materials and the approval documents of Fate of Beauty." Gary handed the documents to Cecilia first.

Were these the Fate of Beauty's research materials and approval documents?

Cecilia was confused, and took over the documents subconsciously.

The top of it was indeed an approval document, and it was a document that was approved for production and sale.

As for the research materials, Cecilia glanced at it. She was not a researcher. She couldn't understand it, but she also felt that it should not be wrong.

"Cecilia, Frank sent me the information yesterday and especially asked me to get the approval document as soon as possible," Gary said, pointing to the quaint box, "I brought the finished product, and the research materials given by Frank have been confirmed."

Gary seemed to claim the credit. It took him a lot of effort to get the cosmetics certified in a short time.

"Finished product?" Cecilia was in a mess.

Putting the documents on the coffee table, Cecilia sat down and smiled apologetically at Gary, "Mr. Gary, let me think. I am confused."

"Frank is very decisive. Don’t stain the good reputation of him." Gary smiled, then opened the box.

In the box were two bottles of ointment. "The white bottle on the left is Fate of Beauty. Frank didn’t tell me the name of the red bottle on the right. It is based on the research data of Fate of Beauty, and it has a miraculous effect on scar recovery. "

Gary was serious and said, "Cecilia, I came this time not only because Frank asked me to send these things, but also because of the military's entrustment. We don't care Fate of Beauty. However, the other product must be supplied to the military first. This is also our requirement for the produce approval documents. "

Cecilia was completely stunned, only to hear a sentence clearly. The other product had a miraculous effect on the recovery of scars.

Subconsciously, Cecilia took the bottle of ointment in her hand, unscrewed it and smelled it.


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