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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 23

"You are too presumptuous!" Allen's face was dark. He scolded coldly.

Frank sneered, "There are even more presumptuous things. Izabella will live with me from now on."

"Really?" Izabella's eyes became bright. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she almost cheered to express her joy.

"Impossible!" Allen refused flatly.

"What you said doesn't work." Frank smiled coldly, "I don't want to see what happened eight years ago happen again. I don't want to care the past thing now."

Frank looked at Allen and Megan meaningfully. They looked ugly and a little frustrated. Frank continued, "Do you think I can find the truth back then?"

Megan clenched her teeth, her nails almost stuck in the flesh.

Allen also had a hard time.

"If you don't want to be infamous, be obedient. I have no interest in playing with you, understand?" Frank smiled disdainfully.

Allen was so angry that he wanted to beat Frank. However, when he looked at the guards of the ancestral shrine lying on the ground, he calmed down.

In fact, he and Megan had come for a while. He saw how easily Frank beat the guards. He was afraid that all the members in the Ye family would not be able to beat Frank. Otherwise, how could he give in so easily?

There was a saying that the poor was not intimidated by the rich.

Allen was with his one hand tied. He couldn’t control Frank at all.

"Frank, Allen is Izabella's father. You can't let Izabella have no father because of me," said Megan.

"Don’t you feel ashamed to say it?" Frank mocked. He turned around and walked towards the ancestral shrine. He had already wasted a day. He was not willing to waste another day.

"Stop!" Allen blocked Frank quickly, saying coldly, "You are not Ye family and you can't enter the ancestral shrine!"

"Go away!" Frank's eyelids drooped, hiding the disdain in his eyes. Among the people present, the one who was least qualified to enter the ancestral shrine was the head of the Ye family in name.

Allen was furious. Facing Frank who might beat him at any time, he was extremely nervous, but he didn't dare to show it at all.

"Bastard!" Allen pointed at Frank and yelled, "Don't you feel embarrassed to face the ancestors. You are such an ingrateful offspring..."

"You should not give birth to me?" Frank sneered and said what Allen was about to say. He cleaned his ears, disdaining Allen, who was trembling all over, said, "If I can, I wouldn't want to have the blood of a filthy person like you on my body."

Allen calmed down after hearing this, and looked coldly at Frank who had not inherited his merits at all.

"If you want to enter the ancestral shrine, just step over from me. I want to see how you, the scumbag who is unfilial and vicious, live in the world!"

"Dad! You are too much!"

As soon as Allen spoke, Izabella on one side changed her face directly. As long as he was not a fool, he would know that the thing happened eight years ago was not Frank's fault.

Why was her brother supposed to bear all this?

"Shut up!"

Frank stopped in front of Izabella directly and said, "Allen, you have no rights to blame Izabella!"


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