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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 26

All the people present were stunned.

They had never thought why Master Ye didn't let Frank call him Grandpa. He had never taught him to do so from childhood to adulthood.

But if Frank was not a member of the Ye Family, why Master Ye tolerated Frank in every possible way? He was closer than his grandchildren.

However it was true that Master Ye doted Frank most, but such a love doped a lot of things.

The public casted ineffable sights on Frank in that moment.

If Frank was not a member of the Ye Family, a lot of things would change.

"There's one more thing."

How could Allen not notice the changed atmosphere of the scene? He should be happy, but at this time he did not feel the slightest happiness. He just wanted to tell everything out, and then had a good rest for a day.

"Say it!" Frank struggled to make a sound.

"I went to Haidong City before. Your marriage with the Chu Family is invalid, so I hope you can find time to divorce Cecilia, since she is Sidney's wife."

Allen again told another piece of shattering news.

“How could you?” Izabella could not help making a sound. It was too far.

Allen shook his head. "He is not a member of Ye Family. Can he marry the Chu Family for Ye Family?"

"Brother and Cindy are child betrothal." Izabella was still refuting, but she cannot speak strong enough.

Frank was silent. It would be good that the marriage with the Chu Family was canceled.

As for the identity of Ye Family, it was dispensable for him.

He was only sad that Master Ye never considered him as his grandson.

Had he been disguising his love for him?

Frank didn't believe it, not at all.

"Brother, don't frighten me. You will always be my brother, no matter what they say." Izabella held Frank, comforting him.

She was afraid that Frank would do something stupid out of anger.

"I'm fine."

Frank threw out his breath fiercely.

"Brother, you will always be my brother." Izabella said solemnly.

Frank smiled faintly, rubbing her hair, "Silly girl, I am sure your brother."

“What a Joke!” Megan said in a cold voice, “You are not even a member of Ye Family. You wish to brother of Izabella."

“None of your business!” Izabella said directly.

Megan was blue on face.

"Look." Izabella was looking at Frank pitifully, "Brother, do you think I have a room in Ye Family? There's no one to protect me now without Master Ye. You can't leave me here."

Frank was touched.

He knew that Izabella support him in her own way.

"I won’t of course leave you alone." Frank rubbed her hair again. Then he looked up and glanced at the crowd. "Let's go," he whispered.

"Ok." Izabella nodded cleverly.

"Stop there!”

Allen shouted.

“What is it?” Frank lifted his eyes to Allen.

"You can go." Allen pointed to Izabella, "She has to stay."


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