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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 28

Within a month, Cancer Organization had fought with the Delta of M Country and Y Country, John Bull’s Beret, and the best Bad Boy Special Force in the Middle East.

Despite the spectacular loss of an entire special force unit, the Cancer Organization had left many lives behind. More importantly, according to current intelligence, it had achieved its goal.

Most troubling of all, no one knew what the ultimate goal of Cancer Organization was, who its members were, where their headquarters was, or what they wanted.

From the way Cancer Organization operated, they seemed to be more interested in killing, being present wherever there was conflict, and making a scene even when there was no conflict.

As if...They were proclaiming their presence to the world.

The Cancer Organization sent people into H Country. Before figuring out what their purpose was, Gary did not dare to order their arrest.

The M Country was the first to do so, and it had sacrificed more than 300 lives. Finally it has reached an agreement with Cancer Organization, and released the captured personnel of Cancer Organization. Afterwards, Cancer Organization stopped the relentless revenge terrorist attacks.

The members of Cancer Organization entered the country. Gary was one of the executives of the first front, with a lot of leaders paying attention to him. That whether he could complete the task perfectly was not only related to his future, but also the future of whole Tang Family.

So he had to solve this crisis perfectly.

However, it was not simple. These people have been entering H Country for more than a week. Since he took over, they have been taken all over the southeast coastal areas of H Country. But they did not understand what the purpose of these people was.

When he found that Frank was on the plane, he wanted to get Frank involved in his first mind.

He had stayed in the Dragon Lord Mercenary Regiment. No one was clearer than he about Frank’s ability. He had never seen the difficulties that Frank could not be able to settle.

Even if the terrorists did hijack the plane, he believed that Frank would survive, and saved all the people on the plane.

If Frank knew Gary incredibly trusted him, he would be embarrassed, since he was ready to take action to eliminate the hidden trouble.

Gary thought for a while and called Frank.

On the plane, Frank frowned slightly and put through the phone.

"I've asked him to delay the time to take off. Frank, do you have confidence?"

Gary’s steady voice came from the microphone.

"I doubt you are intentional. Tell me what happened." Frank said bluntly.

Gary gave me a call, proving that he was determined to get him involved. And now the terrorists were on the plane, Frank would not refuse.

After eight years of walking in the dark, he had already been used to the smoke and the atmosphere of tension and excitement. It was only a few days after he returned to H Country. The peaceful atmosphere was reassuring, but it was boring.

Since Frank said so, Gary secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Frank agreed, it represented the task can be completed perfectly.

Gary told Frank everything he knew, including that marked as confidential.

"The Cancer Organization? I know a little about it." Frank said lightly.

Gary was excited immediately, "Frank, what do you know?"

"Cancer Organization has been around for a long time. I met Cancer Organization once about seven years ago, and got an invitation from it."

Frank said, with a flash of nostalgia in his eyes.


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