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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 4

"Sister, you are softhearted." Cindy glared at Cecilia. Her sister was perfect except that she was too softhearted. In business circles, soft heart was a big taboo. "You should let that jerk suffer a little, so that he will realize himself as a toad. Otherwise, what would you do if he kept pestering you?"

"Well..." Cecilia worriedly looked at the direction Frank left. Now she could only hope that the people of Flying-dragon Group could do it lightly.

Frank should not know what Cecilia thought. If he did, he would say that it was Flying-dragon Group, not him, should cross their fingers.

The reputation of Flying-dragon Group in Haidong City had always been very bad. When the taxi driver heard that Frank would go to Flying-dragon Group to collect debts, he asked Frank to get off the taxi without saying a word. He did not want to risk his neck to go with Frank.

Frank pleaded with him in every way he could, and finally added some money, the driver reluctantly agreed.

However, this also made Frank more curious. What was the background of Flying-dragon Group and how could people be afraid of them like this.

Soon, the car arrived in front of the Flying-dragon Building. A dozen strong men in security uniforms and armed with electric studs were hanging around in front of the building, all strong-built.

It looked very formidable, but Frank smiled disdainfully.

He could see at a glance what actual strength of the Flying-dragon Group.

"It's just a bunch of completely useless persons..." Frank squinted. These men looked very strong, but they were actually very weak. If you put them in war-torn Africa, they would not survive for half an hour.

Because they didn't have any discipline…

Frank was more confident. However, to his surprise, when he told his intention to the security guards, he just sneered and let him in without stopping him.

It would be well not to stop him. Frank thought for a while and stepped into the Flying-dragon Building.

There was a beautiful woman in a black professional dress at the reception. She just glanced at him and continued to play with her mobile phone when Frank came in.

"Hello, I'm looking for your boss." Frank squinted.

"Do you have an appointment?" asked the woman.

"No.” Frank shook his head.

The woman looked at Frank again, and then said faintly, "Please go back. Our boss is not available now."

Frank smiled without saying a word.

He hit the marble front desk with a blow.

"Are you crazy..." The woman was a little angry. Was there something wrong with him?

But then, with a click, the rest of her words faded.

The marble front desk in front of her, with Frank's fist as the center, had split into cracks like a cobweb.

"Is your boss free now?" Frank asked lightly.

The woman swallowed hard and made a call to the boss Dick Zhang in silence.

"Boss...someone was... looking for you..." The woman looked at Frank in horror. She didn't know what Frank's fist was made of, but she knew that the front desk was made of marble.

"Who?" Dick felt that something wrong with the woman through her voice.

"Cecilia's husband." Frank said.

"He said that he was Cecilia's husband."

In the office, Dick got up from the naked sexy secretary, and her thick eyebrows tightened.

Cecilia's husband?

When did Cecilia have a husband?

"Let him come up." Although he was puzzled, but Dick, after all, was often in danger, he was not that afraid.


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