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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 38

I sat down on my desk the next day in class with my chin resting on both of my hands and a tight lip smile on my face.

It was the last class of the day but the smile never left my face. I have been roaming around the school in a good mood. The students were surprised that I didn't lash out on them when they did something wrong.

Gia was trying to read my sudden change of mood during recess but she couldn't decipher and ended up giving up.

She jokingly call me crazy and weird in some way it's true. I was pretty crazy with the grin on my face.

If only everyone knew this girl is head over heels for her mate. I was filled with happiness remembering our confessions to each other yesterday at the Crescent Park.

"Matteo" I kept on mumbling his name in my head repeatedly with my hands pinching my cheeks.

I try to shook off our memories from yesterday but it was too vivid even when I try to slap myself out of it.

Yet I can't "oh moon goddess how I love that adonis name. My mate, my adonis, my oh my" I bit my lips and Alera roll her eyes.

'You forgot one thing bitch' I try to ignore her and enjoy my flight to dreamland. I was pretty sure she's going to say something pretty nasty to me.

"Love" she eagerly say which surprises me and I nod in agreement.

"You're sick, did you know that?" she added and still I just smile.

I was enjoying my flight to dreamland until someone whack me on the back of my head making me bow.

My hair now covers my face instead of being turn into my ferocious wolf I turn around with a smile on my face with an intention to kill the bitch who just slap me.

To my dismay only if she's someone else. Yet she's lucky because the bitch is none other than my teacher and I have a lot of respect towards her or any other teachers.

"Focus, Ms. Rumanoff" she warns me and I replied while smiling back up at her "will do so Ms. Odega."

After class Gia walks with me to the front gate. She and Ed offers me a ride back home but I refused since Matteo told me yesterday he's going to pick me up, when everyone is gone home.

Students were pick up one by one by their parents teachers were gone too until it was just me and it was getting pretty dark.

I pull out my phone texting him but he never replies. I waited for another 30 minutes until I saw a car headlights.

"He's here"

I pull out my phone to check myself then straighten my uniform as it was getting a bit wrinkle. I pretend to stood there mad and ready to put on an acting girlfriend mad scene at him.

The car pulls over, then the windows roll down but I quickly cast my head down not meeting his eyes.

"Hey, you're not going home yet" okay that was totally not Matteo.

I quickly avert my gaze upwards and came to meet with Kevin's face. It's been such a long time since I haven't seen Kevin. I think the last time we met was their test game with Matteo's football team.

He looks pretty different from the person whom I met before. It felt like he is a dangerous person and I need to stay away from him.

My intuition is telling me that he is not the same Kevin who takes interest in me before. He smirks at me with his eyes undressing me shamelessly.

'What a perv' Alera growl in through our link.


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