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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 40

Once I heard her best friend congratulating her over the phone for their mating tonight when I passed by them again.

I pretend to be sick so that I can leave the school compound to go straight to where the game is held.

I quickly text Gia for the location and she told me it's at Bilford's College campus. I call an uber which arrived 5 minutes later to pick me up.

On my way there Alera was howling with sadness within me but I knew I have to be strong. I made it there on time and saw their school mate howling in victory.

Their game was just finish and they won against the Kings College so they haven't left yet.

I bust through the crowd behind the bleachers in my school uniform. All eyes were on me but I just ignored them all. I found one of his minions by the end of the hallway flirting with Quinn his precious girlfriend, her eyes shine with brightness. I wanted to kill her but first off I need to confront him.

"Excuse me where's Matteo" I ask the other kid on my way as I was avoiding being caught by the other two.

He pointed to a secluded door which none other than the boys lockeroom. I follow the direction he pointed me and once inside, then comes the whistle and howling.

Yet my eyes were focus in front as some guys were trying to cover their upper body while others were showing off their abs.

"When were you going to tell me?" I held back my tears with my finger pushing at his chest my eyes holding his gaze.

"Was it before or after you mated with her tonight?"

He look around signalling to others with a nod and they understood because suddenly the coast was clear.

It's me and him alone in the boys changing room. The room was filled with intense but I didn't care or was fear by the probability of him murdering me in there.

"Tell me everything is not true, what Quinn says is not true" I keep on pleading to him.

"Please Matteo tell me you're not mating her" I held his hand but he pull his hand away.1

He scoff turning around drying his hair with a towel then bang. I jump up a little, he has slam his locker door open then grab a shirt and pull it over him.

"Did you hear what I just said?" he ignore me.

Pulling out his phone he quickly type on it then said to me "I heard you loud and clear and if that's all you're here for, then leave."

I felt like I want to cry even more his words has gotten in to me crushing all my bones and killing every cell of my being.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?"

"you heard me and yes it's true I'm mating her tonight."2

I stumbled back to a bench near the locker.

"I may not know what other things she said but yes what my Quinn says is true" he glare at me after he finish saying it.


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