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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 55

Mia's Pov (Addasah's mom)

"She is going to be so proud to see her brother once he's born" Lyndon put his hand around me and put his hand on my stomach.

I can't believe after trying for so many years and finally we are going to have him in our arms.

"Your sister will be so proud to see you little man" I rub my stomach then felt his kick making us both smile.

We have been in the hospital for 3 days now and Addasah calls today wanting to come home but we didn't want to trouble or worry her.

I have been admitted earlier because there were complications to my pregnancy.

"You know I don't think she is going to take our words" Lyndon says.

"Probably she wouldn't, especially when we're expecting him soon," I smile looking up at him.

"You better call her up" he fish for his phone in his pocket then he look at me with bewilderment "I think I forgot mine at home"

"What about mine that we use, its in the draw" Lyndon checks the draw and came back with a frown on his face "the battery is dead."

He then went to charge it before he turn for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"find a phone to call her" Lyndon went out to call Addasah while I sat there rubbing my bulge stomach.

He came back inside "she declines the call"

Oh right I forgot my daughter does not answers call from other numbers unless it is ours. I always reminded her what if something happens to us and someone else calls her but she is one stubborn young woman.

Thinking of Addasah I always wanted to tell her the truth and everything else but I am afraid to hurt her even more. Even though it's too late as that bastard hurt her already something that I was always afraid of, for my baby to be broken.

She maybe a big girl but I know my daughter very well. Despite her strong personality but people could easily break her. She has been hurt too much so I want her to heal herself first and finish her studies.

I believe we have a lot to talk about when she comes back. So we have plan to tell her the whole truth after tonight, so yeah after Matteo became Alpha he granted us freedom.

Yet he wanted to talk face to face with Addasah before we go away from here. I always wanted to tell my daughter what's going on but Matteo beg us not to until he talks to her.2

We owe it to him since he saves us from the night his father was going to expose and kill us.1

We have decided that we'll gonna bring her back home tomorrow and reveal everything before we move to another Pack starting a new life there. Well scratch those two months we told her to stay there.

Lyndon came and kisses my forehead "I love you" I nuzzled into his arms "I love you more"

"always" I reply.

As I said these words I felt something twisted within me. Why do I feel like there is something that's going to happen? Why do I have this heavy feeling upon my chest. I know something is wrong it's just mother's instinct but couldn't get my head on what is it.

"Lyndon love, can you check my phones battery again please, I think we need to call Addasah."

Before Lyndon touch it the phone rings I watch as he take the call then his expression went down. Feeling that something happens I ask hastily

"what's going on?"

He stood there gripping the phone "Addasah she's here and she's at the ball."

"Then what's wrong?" I mean isn't this good that she's here tonight, he cut me off.

"Matteo never said anything but he's announcing it tonight" I look on with confused "what do you mean?"

"Gia says the purpose of tonight's ball is his welcoming as an Alpha and the official announcement of Quinn as his Mate"

My heart drop oh no my poor daughter not again. I began to panic, why is he doing this he said he wouldn't announce it until Addasah knows.

'It can't be' I rambles on while taking off my IV

"where are you going?" I was in panic, my daughter needs me "to find her?" I put on my slippers Lyndon held me back.


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