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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 63

It was finally today, my mom's funeral and first time since I got out of the hospital I woke up before breaking dawn.

I find my brother not sleeping beside me. Taking in the scent in my room I knew my dad must have took him to his room.

My speculations were confirmed when I find him sleeping peacefully in my dad's arms.

My lips stretch out into a smile seeing my dad finally at home.

"Addasah" my heart panic when I heard a voice similar to my mom's voice.

No it sounded like her, it must be her because there can't be two her in this world.

"Oh my gosh, is she alive?" I swirl around wishing and hoping it's true unfortunately it wasn't.

"Grandma" I run into her arms hugging her tightly.

It's been so long since I haven't seen her "Oh my poor child" she kiss me on the forehead.

"When did you arrive?" I ask while she still hug me to her side as we walk downstairs.

We settled on a couch and I snuggle closer to her.

"Child I swear you're getting heavier" she dramatically try to push me off before she pulls me in her arms again.

"We came around 10 and you were sleeping like a damn child and yet you're not, Wesley is the baby here" she jokingly says while brushing my hair with her fingers.

I listen as she talks "your dad pick me up today. Actually he came on the day after the attack telling me of your mom's death"

I became stiff in her arms, not wanting to hear the word gone.

Then I heard her sniffles "my baby girl" she sobs "I wanted to come right away for you but I was in denial of her death. Addasah your mom was my only child. She was my everything and hearing her pass away I just couldn't bring myself to believe it"

I pushes away my emotions that were about to surface and snuggle closer to her giving her comfort.

"So I wanted to become strong first before coming here for you. I needed to and I'm sorry if it offends you somehow."

I just held onto her still refusing to cry I need to be strong for all of them.

I didn't know when I fell back to sleep but when I woke up I was sleeping on the couch with a blanket over me.

I push it away folding it neatly and follow a delicious scent coming from the kitchen.

I saw my dad already dress in black holding Wesley in his arms.

I'm more surprised to see women's working around the kitchen with my grandma. She links me that Alpha let them come to help out.

"Addasah you need to be ready"

I nodded at my dad and went to clean the house neatly even though everything was already set.

I felt like I was a bad daughter with everyone setting things for my mom's funeral while me the daughter just stupidly sit around in my own world.6

Everyone in the pack were coming and they all relay their condolences to my dad.

I stood by the window looking outside of the house after getting ready.

Some of them I never knew of just only Gia, her brother Evan and Cora who came today with Jem.

Her funeral ceremony was held at our ancient pack house that also known as a prayer house for the moon goddess.

Afterwards we then move towards the cemetery for her final moments.

I watches my mom's photos in her teen years and the one with me and dad surrounding her glass casket which is decorated with rubies and emeralds diamonds.

I never cry I comfort my dad who was holding Wesley in his arms with my grandma on his other side.2

Matteo concluded the ceremony by throwing roses on her casket before he howls towards the sky above.

Then howls of warriors in their wolfs were heard followed by the howls of everyone at the funeral.

It was a way of respect to pay tribute to any fallen werewolf warriors.

One by one everyone went to throw in their flowers. I was the last one to be there.

I took a deep breath taking in every last inch of her and painted her in my head.

When it's all over and she is buried underground my father look at me and he knew I needed this.


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