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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 73

I follow behind him and Jay in my wolf form as they head to our northern border.

Thanks to the moon goddess that it wasn't Wesley or my dad but there are intruders near the borders.

We arrived there on time and find two men sitting on a log with their warriors beside them facing our pack warriors. Its like they are waiting for someone to drop a bomb and then for them to attack.

All our pack warriors on border duties were all in their wolves form growling at them with challenges but none wasn't fool enough to fall in the enemies trap.

They were all waiting for their Alpha to make a call. Matteo jump in mid air and landed before his warriors making the Intruders snickers at each other.

"Matteo" a man who look alike with Matteo chuckles in his way standing up from the log smiling at him.

"Never thought of the day we would see each other again, after all you took that Alpha forcibly without earning" he was cut off by Matteo's loud growl.

He pretend to be scare by it then he laugh out even more "son, did you miss me?" with the revelation of him calling Matteo his son made me stunned with my eyes rolling from side to side.

"Well, we came to give you a little warning that you have to be prepared cause son when I come back I'll make sure nobody lives including that prissy ass mate of yours" I could see Matteo's wolf losing his patience.

His father smirks and another man stood up dusting his shorts "ahhh right! but not so fast Roman, you know we need to have a taste of her before killing her in front of him and her father. After all it such a waste to let such beauty go without pleasure" he lick his lips making Alera growl and me spitting out in disgust.

Matteo took them off guard when his paws claw at the man's chest not too deep as he was quick to move back.

His men came forth shielding them and Alera growls in return ready to help our Mate kill them.

Things escalated so fast that our pack warriors joins in the fight against their minions. I could see Matteo fighting his way to get to the two men behind their fighters.

When we were about to win they suddenly retreat taking the injured bastard with them and his father salute in his direction.

Matteo growl rumbles through the woods his wolf becoming ferocious for not being able to kill the intruders who have escape.

Some of his warriors went after them along with Jay.

The rest quickly shifted and my eyes widen at their nakedness but my wolf proudly look on without shame at our Mate while he pace around in anger.

All his glorious parts were on display before us. I wanted to look away but Alera is the one in control now. So all I'm doing is sat by the back of our mind and watches things unfold before us.

Things that are making my vision blur, my body burning hot and my mind gone mad.

I may sound stupid but who could blame me for seeing our opposite sex in their birthday suit for the first time.

I don't know about the time I was eighteen or 21st but I would take this moment as mine first time.

Yeah my dad was the only male wolf around me and it's not like he shifted in front of me because he never.

Matteo who notices me still in my wolf form eyeing him shamelessly smirks before winking at me. All the angry expressions on his face was gone and there once again my cocky mate is back.

Yet when he saw his warriors all gazes at me probably expecting for me to shift in front of them. His fist tighten as he growls at his warriors and they all scurry away apparently looking for shorts.


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