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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 78

Should I be happy or not I thought as I watch the stranger before me.

Clearly I knew nothing of him but he seems to know me better so I guess he's someone from the past.

"It's good to see you again Addasah" he broaden his smile as I keep on frowning at him.

It is funny that he can't take any hint that I don't remember him. He smile at Cora and Jea "actually we kind of met in Uni, we're friends" he nervously said while nodding his head.

The door of the diner opens and I saw my mate in his black v neck shirt and denim pants walking inside with Kevin on his side.

I felt my insides swirl and I gulp at the sight of him like I have just seen him in another light or lens filter. My core throbs with urges to grind him again like I did before.

"fuck, Alera see what you made of me" my wolf bluff "hoi that's you being horny not me" she deadpan.

I instantly took a drink from our table and gulp it. My throat burns from the liquid I drank this must be my first time tasting an alcohol and I must say its okay.

They both didn't notice us as they turn in another way and wave to the people at the table Kaiser was at and I silently pray he wouldn't.

Unfortunately the door opens again and that big mouth Jay turn to our direction shouting

"wooo Hellooooo Addasah and your friends," he waves his hand in our way.

Matteo's head whip in our direction and I took another drink from the table. Suddenly I feel like the earth moves beneath me after taking two shots of it.

"Are you okay?" Kaiser asks and I just nod my head at him while my eyes fix on Matteo coming in our way with Jay trailing behind.

I gulp my saliva when he was near and when he finally did he didn't waste anytime to give me a hi or a hey.

He peck me on the lips with his hand going around my waist holding me tight.

"You drink alcohol?" I just blush like a freaking idiot instead of replying. I wish my mouth could yet I couldn't even utter one sentence.

Matteo rested his head on my shoulder hugging me from the back while facing Kaiser.

"You know my girl Kai?" everyone has a different reactions when he ask that to Kaiser.

Take for instance, Cora and Gia; they roll their eyes with glare muttering 'pussy' and 'oh please' while Jay look like a lovelorn puppy and whimpers 'whipped' and as for Kaiser he is taken aback by his question.

"Come on buddy, how did you know my girl?" Matteo ask him twice.

Kaier scratches the back of his head "we met in Uni" he finally said. "I didn't know she's taken" Kaiser added on.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Matteo remove his head from my shoulder and he seized his friend up and down with his eyes.

"Look it wasn't that long since we last saw each other and I thought she didn't have a boyfriend cause she said she doesn't" Matteo frown even more with Kaiser words.

"Well buddy, she is my mate not boyfriend" he corrected him and I know he is getting possessive.

Kaiser's eyes widen even more "man, I'm sorry... I just didn't know she's your mate" his eyes rested on me.

"Hmmm, now you know that she is mine so whatever feelings or crush you have for her beat it" he said with a stern look.


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