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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 1


On the eve of her wedding, Whitney Valentine and her younger stepsister were kidnapped, but her fiancé only 

rescued her sister

The kidnapper lunged at her with a sneer, tearing at her clothes with a vicious rip

Still in disbelief. Whitney waited foolishly, yelling, “No! Please wait moreSimon Perlman said he’d pay the ransom.” 

With a mocking laugh, the kidnapper dialed a number and barked, Monica Valentine, your elder sister sure is a fool!” 

Whitney froze

Her sister’s mocking voice came through the phone. You really believed that knightinshiningarmor crap? Let me tell you the truth: I’m carrying Simon’s baby!” 

Whitney’s face turned ashen. WhenWhen did you two get together?” 

Simon’s always loved me. He only used you to start his business! Now that he’s CEO, guess why you’re the one kidnapped?” 

Chills crawled up Whitney’s arms as she shook her head in disbelief. I don’t believe it. Put Simon on the phone!” 

Then a man’s voice that came through was cold and remorseless. Whitney, you’re no longer of any value to me. Take care on your journey.” 


Whitney’s world collapsed into a pallor of despair. 

Eight years of love, all just a ploy? He wanted her dead so he could take over the company

Whitney’s tears fell down her cheeks

Monica’s twisted laugh cut through. “He wanted to leave you a pretty corpse, but I’ll make sure you die ugly. Have your fun with her, then leave her to the wolves!” 

Monica, I treated you like my own sister. Why are you doing this? Mom and Dad won’t let you get away with 


Do you think Mom and Dad really loved you?Monica sneered coldly

Whitney was stunned. What did Monica mean by that? Before she could ponder, she was dragged deeper into the wilderness

The kidnappers pressed down on her with sinister grins. Whitney trembled with fear, unwilling to accept this 


Was she really going to be a pawn in Simon and Monica’s scheme, toyed with to her death

No, she could not let it end like this

Suddenly, she saw a car parked strangely with its door ajar on the dark roadside below the hill

A man sat in the back seat, his large silhouette vague, but the atmosphere was heavy with suppressed 


Summoning an unknown strength, she broke free from her captors and tumbled down the hill toward the car, desperately pleading, Sir, could you please let me in to take shelter for a moment?” 

Get lost.” 

The man’s icy gaze halfclosed, his breath heavy with warning


The kidnappers were closing in

Someone’s trying to kill me, sir, please!Whitney clung to his leg, crawling into the car and slamming the door shut

Her trembling body inadvertently brushed against the man’s slacks, but she was oblivious

The predatory eyes suddenly opened wide, and the man’s Adam’s apple bobbed, You’re not getting out?” 

I can’t!She shook her head frantically, pleading

Huh. Whoever sent you, since you’ve come,the man’s voice was a dark, cold chuckle. Don’t regret it.In an instant, his powerful frame enveloped her

When Whitney slowly came to, the man was still asleep; dawn had not broken

Whitney picked up her clothes and fled from the car in disarray

That night, she lost something precious. With a wretched wipe of her eyes, Whitney did not dare linger. Ten days later

Whitney, barely alive, finally made it back to the Valentine family in Banyan City

With nothing to her name, she endured hunger and cold, clinging to life

Whitney clenched her fist. In ten days, she hadn’t seen a single piece of news about her father searching for her

Monica said Dad never loved her. Recalling the injustices of her childhood, Whitney bit her lip hard

She refused to believe it, so she returned to confront the truth

At the back door of the Valentine Mansion, Whitney entered with a cold gaze. Before she could step further, she heard a dispute from the living room

We can’t rest until we find the body!Her stepmother, Yvonne, fretted

Monica’s tone was sinister as she said, Dad, if you’re worried about her haunting us, let’s arrange a ghost marriagefor her! We’ll make a profit and bind her spirit. She won’t dare come after us then.” 

Isn’t that a bit harsh?That was her father, Preston Valentine, devoid of any paternal warmth

Whitney slumped to the floor, her expressionless face stripped bare by the cold, and her fantasies of a concerned and remorseful father shattered

Instead, they only sought to squeeze value out of her even in death, discussing using a ghost marriageto trap her soul

Harsh? Preston, Whitney was born to shield Monica from misfortune, a life cheaper than dirt! Besides, we know what happened to her mother. If Whitney’s still alive and finds out your secret” 

Enough! If she’s alive, I’ll make sure she doesn’t leave here today,Preston’s voice was devoid of any fatherly compassion

We’ll smear her reputation. Monica and Simon will take over her company. Her grandfather’s legacy, her uncleAll will be taken care of.” 

Hell was empty, and devils walked the earth

Whitney bit her lip to keep from storming in

Fury and terror caused a sharp pain in her abdomen. She understood now; there was more to her mother’s death, and her birth was even more suspicious



She could not die here


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