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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 

Whitney never imagined that Yvonne could be cruel enough to sever the finger of a sixyearold child

Chaos erupted in the Valentine family. Yvonne and Preston had a complete falling out, which was what Whitney desired. However, it was her who leaked video of the love child

After the child was kidnapped by Yvonne, Whitney had someone notify Violet. Thankfully, the rescue was swift, and the child’s finger could still be reattached

After confirming the situation at the hospital, Whitney and Tiana left

Your dad would love to see you six feet under, and here you are, worrying about his love child.” Tiana quipped

The kid has nothing to do with it; he is only six years old.Whitney replied, her gaze inadvertently dropping to her own belly

When are you gonna start showing, Whitney? You’re skinny as a rail, still rocking those killer curves. Lucky L’s got it good. Hey, did you ever ask him if he’s hoping for a boy or a girl?” 

Whitney blinked her eyes. They hadn’t talked about kids before. Well, they weren’t exactly close back then, and now

Without a second thought, Whitney texted Tiana’s words to L. 

On Facebook, the man responded with a puzzled: [?

She must have surprised him

A smile curved Whitney’s lips when she saw he texted back a few more words: [If this trial marriage goes well, I’ll take either, or better yet, a whole soccer team.

[Am I a breeding sow?

Whitney texted while rolling her eyes

He texted back: [I think you need a more accurate description. Little mama pig, yeah?

Biting her lip and ready to retort, Whitney was interrupted by Tiana’s scrutinizing stare. Aww, getting all doeeyed chatting with L? Whitney, ever since you guys came back from that hot spring trip, your relationship’s been on the fast track. Did you ever flirt on Facebook like this before? Spill it, did something happen that nighthmm?” 

What are you on about!Whitney protested at Tiana’s insinuating tone

Come on, it was just a couple of messages

You texted him on Facebook, and he replies in a heartbeat. L’s a busy man, yet he makes time for you. Sounds like love is in the air,Tiana teased, playing detective

Helplessly, Whitney blushed and spilled the beans

Tiana clicked her tongue in disbelief. Wow, so you turned the fake into real? Who was it that was so adamant about a marriage of convenience? And now, you’re getting all loveydovey with L.” 

It’s a trial marriage,” Whitney mumbled, her eyes shimmering with a mix of emotions. It means we’re giving it a shot. He wants something stable, and I get that. Businessminded men rarely equate marriage with love. As for my feelings, they’re far from love or even like. I need to see if he’s really into me, right?” 

L’s the proud type. If he’s flirting with you, it means he’s totally into you. And you? Ha, I can tell you’re halfway into the likecamp already. Love after marriage, sparks flyingyou won’t be able to resist a man like him.” 

What’s there to resist? Sure, he’s got a hot bod, but he’s got scars, too.” 

Tiana’s eyes popped. You’ve seen L’s real face!” 


No, I only caught a glimpse before he stopped me.” 

Coughing to regain composure, Tiana quickly comforted her, Scars are sexy! They’re a badge of a rugged man. I mean, those flawless pretty boys like Ludwik are rare and untouchable, not as exciting. You agree, right, Whitney?” 

Though Whitney knew Tiana was trying to cheer her up, it felt like her friend flipped sides too quickly

Her phone rang; it was an unfamiliar number

On the other end was Elaine. Whitney’s surprise was evident in her narrowed eyes and faint smile. Elaine? To what do I owe the pleasure?” 

Well, when Bro saved me that day, I felt the need to express my gratitude. After considering it, I thought it would be best to thank you directly, so I want to gift some baby clothes to you.” 

Elaine’s tone was sweet and friendly, pulling their relationship closer while also signaling she wanted to keep her distance from L. 

Whitney understood perfectly

With a slight nod, she agreed to meet. Sure, where should we meet up?” 

Queen’s Square sound good?Elaine chirped happily

After hanging up and sharing the location, Tiana drove them there. Whitney pulled her along, You’re free anyway, come meet her with me.” 

Who is she?” 

Tiana was about to ask again when Elaine walked in. The woman was dressed in a tailored suit that hugged her waist, her long curls cascading down her back. Her face was strikingly beautiful, and she moved with an effortless grace that hinted at her refined upbringing

Whitney observed quietly as Tiana gawked. This woman was a match for Whitney in terms of beauty

As Elaine approached with a playful twinkle in her eyes, Whitney introduced her friend. Elaine, this is Tiana.Hi, Tiana!” 

Tiana waved back with a grin. Hey there.” 

Whitney, I hope you don’t mind the intrusion. Thanks for making time today. Let’s take a seat and chat,Elaine suggested, her hands holding a tastefully understated custommade bag

Whitney noted her watch without a reaction, guessing its price to be in the millions

As they ordered coffee, Tiana, ever the gossip, asked, So, Elaine, where are you from? I know Banyan City like the back of my hand, and I’ve never seen a beauty like you around.” 

Elaine chuckled. You flatter me, Tiana. I’m from Emperor City, working at my bro’s company, just a hardworking employee.” 

Whitney’s mind raced. Emperor City? Could it be the famous centuryold medical dynasty, the Bartels family? Emperor City was a metropolis, and Whitney wasn’t familiar with the extravagant families over there. If there was any connection, it would be when she was a child, she heard from the servants that her mother and grandfather also came from Emperor City. Their arrival in Banyan City was quite sudden

Snapping back from her absentminded thoughts, Whitney speculated that Elaine was indeed a socialite, which her demeanor had subtly revealed

These little outfits are all made from the finest natural materials. Your baby can wear them as soon as they arrive, though it’s a bit early. You just focus on a healthy pregnancy, Whitney. Let my bro pamper you until you’re nice and plump for the delivery,Elaine said with a wink

The dessert cart rolled up just as they were settling into the lull of conversation


Elaine stood up to fetch the treats, playfully serving them to Whitney and Tiana

Not an ounce of highsociety airs about her

Tiana blushed, feeling a tad shy from the gesture

After a bit more chitchat, Elaine’s phone buzzed with the urgency of business. She stood, flashing an apologetic smile, and warmly shook Whitney’s hand. Whitney, I’d love for us to be good friends. What do you think? Let’s hang out more, yeah?” 

Absolutely,Whitney replied, her eyes crinkling in a warm smile

With a spring in her step, Elaine left, cheerfully disappearing into the elevator

Whitney watched her go, a thoughtful smile playing on her lips

Tiana, nibbling on her slice of cheesecake, asked, Is she a new friend you’ve made? L’s sister, right?” 

What do you make of her?Whitney inquired

She’s bubbly and sweet, downright kind too didn’t hesitate to help us with the dessert. Not the diva type at all. It’s rare to find someone so downtoearth,” Tiana chuckled

Elaine certainly left a good impression on Tiana

Whitney’s eyes twinkled with mirth. What if I told you that her watch alone is worth a fortune, and that she’s anything but ordinary? She’s the Vice President of L’s company, a highflying executive. What would you say to that?” 

Tiana paused, her brow furrowing slightly

Whitney smiled faintly. Strange, isn’t it? A VP usually carries a certain presence, speaks sharply and decisively. Yet she’s so approachable, playful like a schoolgirl, without a hint of guile it’s at odds with her professional role.” 



Tiana’s frown deepened, beginning to see the picture. A person’s work persona and personal temperament could be distinct, but not this disjointed

Unless it was 


Do you think she’s up to no good? Pretending to be harmless to get close to you?Tiana ventured

Whitney shrugged noncommittally, her eyes narrowing slightly. I don’t start off seeing adversaries in everyone l meet

but I can sense if someone intends to harm.” 

Time would tell

What intrigued her now was why Elaine, a wealthy heiress, was working at L’s company. How deep did her devotion to her brother run or was L’s company that impressive

Carrying the baby outfits, Whitney headed back to the villa

તુજ ને કેવી 


Chapter 71 

When Natalie saw that Whitney had returned with a bag of baby outfits, a smile spread across her face. Whitney, are you seriously buying clothes for our little peanut already? Look at you, playing mom.” 

It’s not like that, Mom. This is a gift from Elaine.” 

Natalie’s smile faded a bit as she paused, examining the tiny garment. Why would she give you baby clothes?Out of courtesy, I guess.” Whitney, feeling a bit sleepy, wandered into the kitchen for a glass of warm milk. Emerging from the kitchen, Whitney couldn’t find Natalie, Taryn or Xandra. While searching for them, she discovered Natalie by the backyard trash can, tossing away the clothes from Elaine

Shocked, Whitney approached. Mom, why are you throwing away brandnew clothes?” 

Natalie whirled around, startled by the unexpected sound. Recognizing Whitney, she relaxed slightly but remained visibly tense

Quickly, she offered an explanation with a forced smile. The fabricit’s not suitable for a newborn. Elaine probably didn’t know any better. Don’t worry, honey, I’ve bought plenty of clothes for the baby. Come upstairs and see.” 

Whitney, sensing Natalie’s words were jumbled and her gaze troubled, followed her upstairs but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off

Why would Natalie discard the gifts upon hearing they were from Elaine? There seemed to be no apparent animosity between them

Before long, Natalie had to leave for an injection

Whitney walked back to the trash can, yet Taryn halted her. Natalie insisted that you shouldn’t pick them up.I wasn’t going to. It’s just that Mom’s been a bit off today.” 

Taryn sighed. The lady once suffered from memory loss. Sometimes, old forgotten matters stir her emotions, leading to unusual behavior. Haven’t you noticed how carefree she’s been lately? It’s because of her forgetfulness.” 

Taryn dared not discuss Natalie’s condition further. However, Whitney had also observed Natalie’s childlike joy, free from the burdens of the past

Could Natalie’s previous aversion to Elaine, now forgotten, be the reason for discarding the clothes? Was there something harmful about them

Whitney’s curiosity about Elaine increased, sensing a subtle complexity

Later, Taryn brought some baby clothes to Whitney’s bedroom, per Natalie’s request

While Whitney sorted through the clothes, Ludwik entered the room, loosening his tie. Witnessing his radiant 

wife selecting tiny clothes struck him with unusual warmth, as if they were a real couple

His usually guarded heart softened, and he cleared his throat to announce his presence. 

Whitney turned, flustered, tossing aside the clothes

Embarrassed to be a mom? You’ll have to pick clothes for them eventually.” 

Ludwik strode over, longlegged, and casually examined a onesie. It looked comically small in his large hand. Imagining their child nestled in his palm, Whitney was struck by how paternal he seemed


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