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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 72

The next day, the man told her he had to go on a business trip and warned her to behave herself before he left

Whitney was speechless

Today was the day the jewelry competition announced the shortlist for the next round and the day Monica would be officially fired for plagiarism

The meeting was livestreamed, so the preliminary winners didn’t need to attend

With a stack of documents in hand, Whitney entered Sky Gem Ltd… 

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Returning to this place, she felt a wave of nostalgia as she looked around at the familiar surroundings

The shareholders who supported her were waiting in the lobby with their top executives, shamefaced yet spontaneously welcoming her back

Whitney made her way to the 16th floor, stopping before the door to the CEO’s office

Simon emerged from the executive elevator, dressed impeccably with sharp and distinguished features. Catching sight of Whitney, her stunning face calm as still water, dressed in a simple business dress that 



Chapter 72 

couldn’t hide her elegant vitality, he felt a deep pull of attraction

His voice roughened as he approached her, Whitney, welcome back!” 

Whitney gave him a cool glance and brushed past him

Simon’s mood seemed buoyant, and he didn’t mind her coldness. He opened the door to the office for her, inviting her in

Monica’s personal items were still there, untouched

Whitney surveyed the office with detached interest before settling on the sofa. She briskly opened a meeting with the shareholders, getting a grip on the current state of Sky Gem Ltd.. Narrowing her eyes, she decided her first order of business was to review the company’s finances

The finance director was summoned, sweating at the sight of Whitney’s commanding presence

After a quick review of the financial reports, Whitney’s expression turned icy. Such glaring discrepancies in just two months, sales plummeting. Simon, have you been neglecting your duties, letting Monica run amok?” 

The reports were a mess. If Monica’s mismanagement continued for another year, Sky Gem Ltd. would be no 


Whitney’s sarcasm made Simon stiffen. He had indeed lost focus on managing the company in the last 


What measures did Monica take to address these financial gaps?Whitney inquired, her brow furrowed as she scanned the other documents. She noticed a sharp decline in sales at retail counters over the past two weeks. The plagiarism scandal only broke the week before. What had happened the week before that

After some digging, Whitney discovered issues with the jewelry materials in the store! A customer had made a scene over a purchased diamond

However, Monica had quickly suppressed the news

Whitney realized what Monica had done to cover the financial shortfall

She called in the manager responsible for diamond sourcing. The manager was evasive, but Whitney soon learned that Monica had been cutting costs by secretly purchasing substandard stones and mixing them with quality merchandise

This was tarnishing Sky Gem Ltd.

Which jewelry lines were made with these inferior stones?Whitney demanded

The manager promptly handed over details of the True Love Collection,’ which had been launched two months before Whitney left the company

The collection had been the bestselling line at Sky Gem Ltd., making it a prime target for Monica

Whitney frowned, realizing the extent of the damage might not yet be known. She began to gather and organize information, sensing the need to keep evidence at hand

Simon returned from HR with Whitney’s new nameplate, eager to please. Handing it to her, he seemed earnest

Looking at the General Managertitle on the nameplate, Whitney pondered, her gaze on Simon, who was as fickle as the weather. With a hint of mockery, she said, You’re sure about handing this back so soon? Monica hasn’t been dethroned yet, and the competition hasn’t announced her dismissal. If she makes a comeback, you’ll have to make a new nameplate.” 

Simon’s handsome face showed a flicker of embarrassment. A wave of tenderness filled his eyes as he looked at her. Whitney, whether you believe me or not, I am genuinely happy you’re back. I’ve finally realized that it’s you I want to see every day at the company, not Monica. It’s a shame I realized it after making so many mistakes. I’ll do whatever it takes to win you back.” 

Stop right there. My return has nothing to do with you. Well, it actually does, because I’m going to take back 



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