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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 

At the same time, Janet lost her balance and was about to fall

In that instant, everyone except Rebecca and Debra panicked

Gary and Karen hurried to catch her

Sam and Melissa also stood up in a rush, ready to take care of Janet. After all, she was pregnant with Theodore’s child

It hurtsJanet cried out in pain, caught by Gary before she could hit the ground. But as she lay in his arms, she let out a pained cry

Janet clutched her stomach, her face pale. Dad, Mom,she gasped, my stomach hurts so bad. Is the baby okay? Call the doctor, nowCall an ambulance!” 

Karen finally snapped back to her senses, her hands trembling as she hurriedly dialed 911 for an ambulance

The call went out, and everyone had to wait at home for the ambulance to arrive

Suddenly, Karen turned her head and with a fierce expression, raised her hand, ready to strike Rebecca

Debra was faster. She yanked Rebecca behind her to protect her from the slap, and then raised her own hand

Another loud slap sounded, it was Debra giving Karen a hard slap

This slap made everyone turn their heads, looking at Debra and then at Rebecca in shock

How dare they

With Janet about to miscarry, how could they still dare to fight

Karen was also taken aback. She couldn’t believe that her hand had missed its target. For over twenty years, she had slapped that wretched girl countless times, and Rebecca had never dared to dodge

If Rebecca had ever tried to avoid it, Karen would have punished her even more severely. She would leave her without food for at least three days and lock her in the room to starve and tremble with fear. But now, Rebecca had actually dodged

On top of that, she let this stranger hit her instead

It took Karen a moment to realize what had happened. She lunged at Rebecca, determined to teach that wretched girl a lesson she’d never forget



15:38 Thu, 18 Jul 

Chapter 10 

Debra became even angrier as she watched Karen rush at her daughter. She lifted her leg and gave Karen a hard 


Luckily, she had practiced some combat skills before, so handling this loser was no problem at all

But the thought of her daughter being abducted and trapped in that scumbag’s house for years made her blood boil. She wanted to destroy every last piece of garbage that had ever bullied her daughter

Karen was kicked so hard she flew across the room and landed facefirst on the floor. Let that bitch eat some dirt

The living room fell silent. Everyone watched in shock, too stunned to speak

Sam and Melissa were deeply shocked. They looked at Debra, then Rebecca, and back to Debra again

They wondered who was this friend Rebecca had brought along

This was no ordinary friend. She had to be a bodyguard, right

Maybe Rebecca feared she might be bullied after giving birth alone and hired a personal bodyguard

At that moment, Sam and Melissa felt they had figured it out. Debra wasn’t just a friendShe was a bodyguard 

Rebecca had hired

And not just any bodyguard. Debra was the whole package who would roast and fight for her. Anyone who tried to bully Rebecca would not only get an earful but also a good beating

They were fascinated as they looked at Debra. Times had changed so quickly, and they knew young people had all sorts of tricks up their sleeves, but they hadn’t expected a service like this. It wasquite interesting

They wondered where Rebecca had found such a bodyguard. Maybe they could hire one too in the future

After all, it was kind of impressive to have a skillful talker and a badass fighter around

The ambulance arrived quickly and whisked Janet away

Debra was still worried that Janet would come back and make trouble for Rebecca if anything happened. She immediately called Paul, asking him to keep an eye on Janet at the hospital


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