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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

Janet had been sent away

In the kitchen, Rebecca tumed to look at the stove

Jayden täme over and asked, UmCan I pitch in with you guys? I can do anything but cook. Just let me know 

what you need.” 

Daphne, standing nearby, burst out laughing. My dad is such a klutz. His cooking is terrible.” 

Rebecca couldn’t help but chuckle at that. She turned to Daphne and asked with a smile, Really?” 

Daphne answered very seriously, Really

Last time, for Mom’s birthday, Dad wanted to surprise her with breakfast. He got up early to cook but ended up setting our kitchen on fire. The food was burnt to a crisp, and we all nearly had a disaster on our hands!Daphne. recounted in her childish voice, earnestly spilling the beans on her dad

Jayden had a facepalm, looking at his daughter helplessly

Meanwhile, in the livestream, countless fans were already laughing hysterically

What do you want to eat? I can cook for you,Charlie quickly offered

His sister had just finished her postpartum period. She shouldn’t overwork herself. She needed rest

Jayden was taken aback and then glanced at Charlie

The two men stared at each other, eyes locking in a silent, intense showdown

Jayden quickly came to his senses, realizing that Rebecca had just had babies and was still recovering. Asking her to cook was definitely too much

But he really couldn’t cook

Thank you?Jayden looked at Charlie and cautiously ventured

Charlie nodded. Sure.” 

Then could you just whip up something simple for us? As long as it fills us up, we’re not picky,Jayden said a bit sheepishly

Oh, do you know how to make chicken soup? I can help with killing the chicken,Jayden quickly added


Chicken soup is delicious,Daphne immediately chimed in with her cute voice

Charlie chuckled at this and responded casually, Alright, you go kill the chicken.” 

I can cook, too, Let me join you,Phoebe shouted. She had just finished washing her hands and eagerly ran over

There are so many of us to feed. It would be exhausting for just Charlie and Becky to do all the cooking. Let’s all pitch in and make it easier,” Phoebe said happily

Sounds good,Rebecca agreed with a smile

We can help wash the vegetables,Angie quickly chimed in, rushing over

Both she and her sister couldn’t cook, and with all the guests already pitching in, they didn’t want to feel out of place

Charlie looked at Angie and nodded. Alright.” 

Then he urged, Okay, everyone knows their task now. Let’s get to work and do it quick.” 

The show’s crew had finished discussing, and everyone began,their assigned tasks

Outside the village, Theodore sat in the car, watching the crew film inside and outside the house with their cameras. His expression was grim

He stayed in the car, not making a move to get out

Wyatt hesitated for a moment, then cautiously said, Theodore?” 

There was no response from him

Wyatt looked at him, feeling conflicted

Once they finish lunch, there should be a break. I’ll speak with the director and arrange for you to visit the set during that break,Wyatt carefully explained

Theodore didn’t say a word, but Wyatt knew he had silently agreed

Although Janet eagerly volunteered to gather ingredients inside the village, she made a fool of herself in the field because she couldn’t recognize the vegetables. Thanks to the fanstips in the comment section, she finally picked the right ones

It was worth mentioning that the garden had bugs. While picking vegetables, Karen accidentally had a thumb- sized green caterpillar crawl onto her hand, causing her to scream and run around wildly. She ended up trampling many of the vegetables, leaving many viewers in the comment section stunned. Once they realized what had 


happened, some scolded them for wasting food

Having suppressed her frustration since yesterday, Karen finally reached her breaking point. Ignoring Janet’s reminder, she directly confronted the viewers, arguing with them right in front of the livestream camera

The viewers, now being yelled at, were even more upset. The comments in Room Four exploded, with many people criticizing Karen for destroying the villagershardearned vegetables

Despite the commotion, filming continued. Annoyed, Janet hastily gathered some vegetables and returned

Everyone was busy with their tasks inside the house

When Janet and Karen came back with the vegetables, Phoebe warmly welcomed them. She took the vegetables and went straight to the faucet to wash them

Rebecca and Charlie were preparing lunch in the kitchen. Contrary to what was previously mentioned, Charlie firmly refused to let Rebecca do any work, especially anything involving cold water. He wouldn’t let her touch it, instead pushing her to the stove to fuel the fire

Unable to refuse her brother’s kindness, Rebecca sat by the warm stove, slowly adding wood to the fire while warming herself


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