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Matter of Love novel Chapter 912

As soon as Greg was about to rush forward, Samuel shouted, "Stop! If you dare to move one more step, I'll kill him directly." A gun appeared in Samuel's hand and pointed at Eden's head.

"Okay, don't do that. I won't move." Greg was afraid that the crazy Samuel would do something bad to Eden, so he stopped and didn't dare to move.

"Hahaha, Greg, You didn't expect you to be like this, did you? You forced me to come here. It's your retribution. If it weren't for you, I would have had a good life. You destroyed everything by yourself. Today I will use your life to mourn what I have suffered. " Samuel's eyes were red, and his character had been distorted. At this moment, his eyes flashed with madness.

"Samuel, this has nothing to do with Greg. If you want to blame me, just blame me. I know you hate me. Put everything on me and let the others go. Anyway, Greg is your brother, and Eden is your nephew. Samuel, please forgive me. " Boris stood out and looked at Samuel with tears in his eyes.

"Shut up, Boris. How dare you say that to me now? Don't you remember how you treated my mother and me? If it weren't for you, my father wouldn't have died with hatred. In your heart, there is only Greg, not me. Do you think I don't know why you sent me to Cherry Company? You just don't want me to meet with Greg and try to monitor me with Cherry Company. Old man, although I have your blood on me, I won't admit you as my father. " Samuel stared at Boris with red eyes.

"Samuel, I advise you not to put up with it. This place is surrounded by our people. You'd better surrender as soon as possible." Hansome said seriously.

"Hahaha..." Samuel laughed and almost burst into tears. "Do you think you can frighten me by doing this? Since the day I embarked on this path, I had expected this result. I have enjoyed what I should enjoy in my life for a long time, and even if I die now, it is enough. But I won't die, and all of you will die here today. "

Greg took a step forward and looked at Samuel with a gloomy face. "You've tried so hard just because you want me to come. It's time for us to get even. Tell me, what do you want to do to let go of Eden?"

Samuel pretended to think seriously, "If you stand here and let me kill you, maybe I will let go of your son if I am in a good mood. At most, one of you and your son can only leave here alive. You can choose by yourself. But I have to remind you that my patience is limited. You only have ten seconds to consider. After ten seconds, I will kill your son first. "

Greg stared at Samuel and said, "Your son is also in my hands. Didn't Jasmine tell you?"

"Humph! How can I believe that bitch, Jasmine? Don't waste time here. You still have seven seconds. " Samuel pointed his gun at Eden's head.

"I believe that Omar is definitely your child. I have done a paternity test with him. He is not my child, but he is related to me by blood. So he must be your child. Now I am willing to exchange Omar for Eden. What do you think?" Greg said calmly.

"Humph! So what? I, Samuel, only have one son, and he has been placed in a safe place by me. As for the rest, I won't admit them at all. There are still three seconds, two... " At this time, Samuel had no time to think about anything else. Today, Greg had to die.

Chapter 912 The Final Battle (Part Two) 1


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