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Matter of Love novel Chapter 913

Jean's body trembled violently, feeling a burning pain in her heart. She knew that she was shot, so she closed the iron door at the last moment and blocked the door with her own body. She raised the gun in her hand and shot at the opposite side.

But she was alone. Facing a dozen people with exquisite equipment, she had no chance to fight back. In an instant, countless bullets shot into her body. Jean leaned against the door with her eyes wide open, trying to buy the last time for others with her life.

With Boris in Greg's arms and Eden in Hansome's arms, they rushed out of the secret room under the cover of Wayne. There were people waiting for them outside.

When Hansome came out, he saw that Jean didn't come out. He handed Eden to Wayne and took out his walkie talkie, "Take an all-out action." Then he ran towards the secret room again.

"Come back." Wayne shouted anxiously. Now that he had taken action, it would be very dangerous to rush back.

"No, Jean is still inside. I have to save her." After saying that, Hansome rushed back.

Wayne wanted to follow him, but he was still holding Eden in his arms. He could only stamp his feet and run to the ship behind Greg.

At the same time, explosions continued to come from the whole island. Seeing that the situation was over, Samuel led everyone to rush out of the secret room and run to another path. He had already prepared a helicopter at the back of the mountain, ready to leave here at any time.

However, when he appeared at the exit, there were more than a dozen machine guns waiting for him. At this point, Samuel knew that the situation was over and laughed wildly. I'll die with you. " Then he pulled hard on the main brake beside, and in an instant, a huge vibration sound came from the whole island.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sky was shaking and the earth was shaking. He had buried countless explosions around the island. At this time, they exploded at the same time. In an instant, the whole island was covered with a huge mushroom cloud.

The wail and scream were drowned in the huge explosion. The miserable smile on Samuel's face was destroyed by the fire...

As soon as Greg and Wayne stepped on the ship in the distance, they felt a heat wave coming from behind, and the two of them were knocked down to the ship by the huge impact.

Looking back, the whole island was in the fire. Someone found a figure floating on the sea nearby. "It's Mr. Hansome. Help!" With a loud shout, someone immediately got on the yacht and rushed to the direction of Hansome, quickly pulling him out.

"Eden." Hearing the noise, Leona stumbled out. When she saw the little figure covered in blood on the deck, she rushed over at once. At this time, Eden had a pale face and almost lost his breath.

"Eden, wake up. Don't scare Mommy." Shouted Leona, shaking Eden's little body constantly.

Chapter 913 Give Me A Smile (Part One) 1

Chapter 913 Give Me A Smile (Part One) 2

Chapter 913 Give Me A Smile (Part One) 3


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