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Matter of Love novel Chapter 915

Eden and Star were still playing in the distance. Janie looked at Leona with a smile and said, "It seems that we can hold a wedding banquet for them in more than ten years."

Leona also smiled, "We're going to be old at that time. Sometimes I really don't want them to grow up so soon."

"Yes, we are old at that time." York sighed as he watched Eden playing with his daughter.

"But Leona, when are you going to marry Greg? Now that you have two children, you can't always delay it. It's the time. " York asked.

Leona lowered her head and didn't say anything. She had heard from Greg that they were going to get married, but she refused. There was still an obstacle in her heart that she hadn't overcome.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with it. As long as she was unhappy, she could take the child away at any time.

"I also think it's time for you to get married. In this way, it's good for the growth of the two children in the future. The loving parents will make the children feel safe." Janie also persuaded. As a good friend, she also wanted to see the happiness of Leona.

Leona sighed, "Let's talk about it later. I feel good now."

In the distance, Lina came over. "Sir and the Lord are here. They are in the front hall. The Lord wants to see Mr. Eden and Miss."

Leona smiled at York and his wife, and they walked towards the front hall together.

Howard sat in the middle of the room, and next to him was Greg. At this time, Leona came in with the children in her arms. She stood in front of Howard and said, "Grandpa, you're here."

"Well, is the baby all right? Come here and let me see our little princess. " Howard looked at Eden and Baby Wei in Leona's arms.

Leona immediately handed the child to Howard and said, "Good. She must be a beauty when she grows up. Sure enough, the children of our Wei family are the best. Hahaha..."

"Grandpa is right." Greg added.

"Where is Omar? Why didn't I see him?" Only then did Howard realize that he hadn't seen Omar.

"Omar is studying. He works very hard every day." Said Leona immediately.

"I'll call Omar out right now." Greg asked a servant to call Omar out.

After a while, Omar walked out of the study. Although he was only seven years old, he looked unusually mature and steady.

Howard held Eden with one hand and Omar with the other. He put their hands together. Now that he had known Omar's identity and agreed with the decision of Greg and Leona to keep Omar by their side, he still needed to remind them again.

"Eden, you should learn more from Omar in the future. After all, you are the future heir of the Wei family. You will be the only one who will shoulder the responsibility of the Wei family." Howard said earnestly.

Then he turned to look at Omar and said solemnly, "Omar, you should study hard and help Eden develop the Wei family in the future. Do you hear me?"

Chapter 915 The Wedding, The Final Episode! (Part One) 1

Chapter 915 The Wedding, The Final Episode! (Part One) 2


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