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Matter of Love novel Chapter 914

The two of them had been staring at the light of the operating room in the middle of the night, not even daring to blink. Now that the light was turned off, Leona almost reflexively sat up and said, "Hurry up, Greg, the operation for Eden has been completed. I'm going to see how he is doing."

Joe said that even if it was her placenta, only 1/4 of hope could save Eden. She didn't want any accident to happen to Eden.

"Okay, don't worry. I'm going to have a look." Greg stood up and was about to leave.

"No, I want to go with you. I won't be relieved until I see that there is nothing wrong with Eden," said Leona firmly.

Greg had to put her on the wheelchair and left the ward quickly towards the operating room. When the two of them came here, they saw Joe with a tired face. Leona grabbed Joe's uniform anxiously and said, "Joe, is Eden all right?"

Seeing that it was Leona, Joe smiled and said, "The operation was very successful. Your placenta saved Eden's life. Fortunately, the baby came in time, or even I can't save him. The baby is a lucky star."

Finally hearing the news of Eden's safety, Leona was relieved and fainted.

"Leona, what's going on?" Greg was so anxious to let Joe immediately check on Leona.

Joe followed her into the operating room again. After a while, he came out and said with a smile, "Don't worry. She just relaxed her nerves all of a sudden. In addition, she was too tired during the previous delivery. She will be fine after a rest."

Greg felt relieved.

Three days later, it was cloudy. Greg took Leona and Omar to the cemetery. On the left was the tomb of Greg's mother, and next to it was Boris.

Although Greg had a deep grudge against Boris before, it was all resolved after Boris desperately took the bullet for him. He put a bunch of flowers in front of his tombstone and said, "Dad, I'm taking Leona to see you. Rest in peace with my Mom. I will live well with Leona in the future and raise your grandson and granddaughter."

Leona also put a bunch of flowers in front of the tombstone, bowed three times, turned around and came to the side. It was the tombstone of Jasmine. She pulled Omar and knelt down in front of the tombstone. "Omar, make a kowtow to your mother. She loves you with her life. Don't hate her."

Standing in front of the tombstone, Leona said, "Sister, I will take good care of Omar and make him grow up. Don't worry."

At last, Greg and Leona took Omar to the tomb of Samuel. Greg said to Omar in a low voice, "Bow."

Although Omar didn't know why his father asked him to bow, he still bowed obediently.

Greg and Leona had discussed before and decided not to tell Omar that his biological father was Samuel. They could take Omar as their own child.

After all, Samuel was the half-blooded brother of Greg], and Jasmine was the half-blooded sister of Leona. They did have a blood relationship with Omar.

And in this way, Omar would live by their side with ease, instead of feeling like an outsider being excluded. After a circle of worship, Greg said, "Well, it's time for us to go back. Omar, say goodbye to your Mommy at last."

At last, Omar bowed again in front of the tomb of Jasmine. "Mommy, I'll keep your words in mind. I'll listen to you and grow up well."

After Greg and the others left the cemetery, an old woman of more than 50 years old appeared in front of Samuel's tomb with a child of six or seven years old. The old woman touched the tombstone and said sadly, "Samuel, my son, you went there at such a young age. Don't worry. I will avenge you."

Chapter 914 Give Me A Smile (Part Two) 1

Chapter 914 Give Me A Smile (Part Two) 2


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