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My beloved wife novel Chapter 56

"Aaron." Rita interrupted him. She was tired of hearing what he said.

"What? What did you just call me? Shouldn't you call me honey?"

He didn't care what she was going to say to him. He needed her to change the form of address of him first, otherwise he would not listen.

Rita resigned herself to his words.

"I want to tell you, please stop being so extremely romantic. Since we got married, I have goose bumps every day by your mushy words." She rolled her eyes at him. "I really can't stand you."

He dazed for a moment at first, then ignoring Rita's words, he kissed her abruptly. Seeing her stunned eyes, he smiled more brightly. "Do you know how happy I am after we get married?"


She didn't want to listen to his endless talking at all.

"I don't care whether you like it or not, I just want to say to you every day that I love you, Rita, I love you," said Aaron, with his black eyes fixed on her. He liked her so much that he could not forget her. "You have been in my heart for a long time."

Rita didn't know how to respond to him. Well, he could say anything sweet if he wanted, but she could choose not to hear it.

When they were talking, Wendy came here hastily. She felt embarrassed when she saw her boss being so intimate with his wife. Usually, she had seen too much situation when Aaron was flirting with other women, so she was not surprised at all, except this time. Since her boss got married, he had changed a lot into a mushy man who always spoke sappy honeyed words to his wife. Was he still the cynical and arrogant Mr. Aaron? Was he still the affectless, ruthless CEO Aaron Leng?

Not any more. He had changed into another person!

Wendy coughed on purpose. Aaron then noticed Wendy's existence. "What's the matter?"

When he were talking, Aaron still held Rita's hand tightly, lest she would leave him.

"Boss, there's an emergency meeting tonight." Wendy looked seriously at the couple who were displaying their affection in public. They were really loving each other.

"Okay, I'll go back to the office later. Arrange a driver to send Riri back."

Wendy hurried to leave, leaving this sweet couple alone.

"Honey, I'm going back to the company for a meeting. You go home first and don't wait for me. Go to bed early."

Usually, when Aaron was busy with his work, he would work day and night. Perhaps this meeting would last until tomorrow morning. She nodded and muttered, "Don't be too tired."

"It's okay," he said, holding his little woman in his arms. "Don't wait for me like a fool. Y shall fall asleep when I come back home. Otherwise... Ha-ha..."

Rita flushed and said with a pouting smile, "You are so annoying."

Aaron didn't want to leave Rita alone. But he had to for work was also important to him, so he had to let the driver send Rita back first.

It was dark when they came out of the restaurant.

Aaron sent Rita to the car and watched her leaving before he got back to work.

Lee was the chauffeur of Aaron. He had been driving for the Leng family for many years. Aaron trusted him to send Rita back home.


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