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My beloved wife novel Chapter 57

When Rita came to herself out of the coma, she found herself in a hotel.

The lights around her were dazzling. She tried hard to open her eyes and wanted to move, only to find that her hands and feet were tied.

She struggled to sit up. Then she saw Yvonne was over there pouring red wine.

It was her! How could it be her?

Seeing that Rita was awake, Yvonne squinted and said, "Nice wine."

Last time, Yvonne wanted to trap her, but she ended up in trapping herself and her reputation was ruined. The brokerage firm was terminating the agreement with her. She had been staying at home and dared not go anywhere recently.

After all, she was a popular star for a period of time. Being recognized in the street and becoming an object of hatred, it must be very hard for her to live in such kind of situation.

When Rita found herself be tied up and thrown on the bed, she knew without thinking that Yvonne must try every means to take revenge on her, not just inviting her for wine drinking.

Yvonne smiled, walked up to Rita, lifted her chin and said resentfully, "I don't know why Aaron like you. Look at you, except for your face, how can you compare with me?"

"At least... Aaron does love me, instead of you." Rita said calmly. She must be self-collected in this situation. The more she panicked, the more complacent Yvonne was.

"You bitch! How dare you grab my man! You shameless slut!" Suddenly, Yvonne emptied her glass of wine on Rita's head and yelled, "Why don't you ask Mr. Aaron for help! Go and turn to him! Will he come to save you? Don't think about it anymore. No one can save you today! I'm telling you!"

With drops of red wine hanging on her face, Rita looked up at her, "Yvonne, you are so pathetic. You are jealous of me. You are jealous just because you can't get Aaron's heart. Just forget it. He won't like you, no matter what you do. He will never like you."

"Yes, he doesn't like me. So what? I'm going to destroy you! You bitch!"

Rita was not angry but laughed. She slowly looked up at Yvonne and said, "Who slept with a group of men that day, and who was the bitch on earth?"


Yvonne was so angry that she smashed the glass and slapped Rita on the face, which made Rita's face instantly swollen. Yvonne was so furious that she grabbed Rita's neck, wanting to strangle her to death. "You bitch. You dare to grab my man. What qualifications do you have to do that? Let's see if Aaron Leng still wants you if you have hooked up with many men!"

She grabbed Rita's hair with one hand and slapped on her face with the other. "Bitch, how dare you seduce my man!"

Rita turned her face to the other side, trying to avoid her, but failed. Yvonne's angry voice came, "You want to get away! No way!"


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