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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 47


As I begin to gain consciousness, I can't help but flinch at the sharp and heavy pounding in my head. Why the hell am I always either being knocked or falling unconscious?

When I eventually manage to force my eyes open, I scan them around the cold basement with chipped brick walls, wooden beams, the grey floor is full of old water stains near a washer and dry is sitting in the corner, and an old, torn orange sofa sits under the wooden stairs.

A light bulb hangs from one of the wooden beams on the ceiling but it's off, the only light is coming from a door with chipped light green paint at the top of the staircase. The smell of stale cigarette smoke hangs heavy in the air, my eyes dart back over to the sofa and when I notice a few cigarette burns, I know that's where the source of the smell is.

I look down at my wrists that are cuffed onto either side of the radiator against my back, I'm suddenly extremely grateful for the hoodie that is giving me some protection from the heat, I cringe heavily when I notice my body is on top of a dirty old mattress, that probably used to be white but is now grey and covered in stains and also has one too many cigarette burns.

Eyeballing the handcuffs again, I can't help but snort before ripping my hands free. " Seriously? That was easy. " I mumble, scrambling off the mattress and onto the cold floor.

After very awkwardly pushing myself to my feet, I look around and realise that this was easy, too easy. Why was it so easy? Clenching my teeth, I decide that I need to just go for it and attempt to make my escape, I need to get myself and my baby out of this.

Rushing over to the stairs, I take them as quickly and as quietly as possible, when I reach the top, I push the unlocked door open. Confusion and suspicion hits me heavier than before and I note the silence in the house but I brush it off, bolting straight down the hallway and to the front door, that is also unlocked and swings open with ease.

My foot doesn't even get through the threshold, before I'm knocked back by an force of energy, I land on the ground with a soft whimper, immediately cupping my stomach in worry.

" I'm sorry baby, please be okay. " I whisper to my bump, running my hands over it affectionately.

" Aw, how cute. But you didn't think it was going to be that easy did you? " A familiar voice calls.

" I should have known you'd come back and bite me in the ass. " I grumble, looking up to find Josephine leaning against the staircase leading to the upstairs of the house.

" You probably should have known not to trust Olive too, she is my sister after all. I mean how stupid can you get? " Josephine laughs, picking at her finger nails, amusement clear in her eyes.

Chapter Fourty Seven 1

Chapter Fourty Seven 2

Chapter Fourty Seven 3


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