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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 51


My fist connects with Josephine's face again, another loud crack echoes through the room as more blood splatters onto the plastic covering the ground. By now she is nearly unrecognisable, due to her healing being slowed down dramatically from how weak she is.

She lets out a low laugh, spitting the blood gathered in her mouth in my direction. " That baby inside you dead yet? "

Wrapping my hand around her neck roughly, cutting off her laughter along with her air supply, I allow my claws to extend and pierce into her skin before ripping apart her flesh, leaving her unable to speak.

" My baby is just fine, you evil bitch. " I growl. " You on the other hand, won't be leaving this room alive. "

I watch her eyes fill with terror as I plunge my hand into her chest, wrapping my fist around her rapidly beating heart. Her body tenses up as I tighten my grip, before it finally goes slack as I remove her heart from her body.

With a shaky breath, I turn and exit the room, heading straight into the room where Olive is being held. Her head lifts as I slam the door shut, before she can open her mouth to say a word, I toss Josephine's heart onto the floor, watching as it rolls across the plastic, stopping at her sister's feet.

Olive lets out a sob, as her gaze falls on the organ. " I don't know who is worse, your sister for pumping me full of wolfsbane in an attempt to kill my unborn child, or you, for standing by and not doing a thing to stop her, regardless of you knowing how wrong it was. " I say, my voice cold.

" You- you killed her. " She cries, struggling against her restraints.

" I wasn't going to give her another chance to kill my baby or me. And I won't give you a chance to betray us again. " I tell her.

" I tried to help you! " She sobs. " I told him where you were! I sent Mal your location! "

Clenching my fists, I turn away and walk out the door, leaning against it with my eyes closed when I'm out of the room. Kai who was standing in the hallway, waiting for me, immediately walks up to me, taking my blood stained hands in his.

" I can't do it Kai, I need to get out of here. " I mumble.

He nods his head. " Go clean yourself up, I'll finish it. " He tells me, planting a kiss to my cheek.

Doing as I'm told, I push myself off of the door and speed walk back through the house until I'm in Kai's room. I go straight into the bathroom, turning on the shower to allow the water to heat while I undress.

Once I've scrubbed myself clean, I wrap a towel around my body, going back into the bedroom and taking a seat on the bed. Moments later, Kai comes in, he sends me a weak smile as he wanders into the bathroom to wash the blood from his hands, then he joins me on the bed.

" I know what they did, but I hated that. " I whisper to him.

" I think there would be a bigger issue if you enjoyed it. " He says, kicking the shoes from his feet and moving further onto the bed.

" I really don't want this life for our kid, I don't want her to have to constantly fight for survival or kill for it, I don't want her to be hunted for something she can't control. " I confess, staring down at my hands.

Chapter Fifty One 1

Chapter Fifty One 2


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