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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 50


During the car ride home, Dahlia and Lila remain quietly holding hands in the front while Kai explains to me that eight days have passed since I was taken, he searched for me nonstop, even tried tracking my scent but had no luck, until he received a random text message from an unknown number saying where he could find me.

I did have a mind to voice the possibility that Olive could have been the one behind the message but instead I stay quiet, as silence falls over us, I can't help but place a hand on my bump and think the worst.

The entire drive I've attempted to keep my mind off of it and my eyes off the blood stains on my pants, but the anxiety I'm feeling is causing me extreme nausea and my heart is aching at the thought of the worst case scenario, that I can't seem to block out.

After what feels like forever, we finally pull up to the house, the second Kai opens the car door Jen is running out of the house in scrubs and a lab coat, followed by a man and a woman, both in scrubs, who I assume are nurses. Another a man in a lab coat also follows. Instead of trying to walk in my state, I allow Kai to carry me into the house without argument.

Jen leads the way up to my bedroom, where she has set up all sorts of hospital equipment. As soon as I'm placed down onto my bed, I'm being hooked up to an ECG and having vials of my blood taken and being asked endless amounts of questions.

Starting to get irritated, I grab hold of one of the nurses arms, pulling him back. " Is my baby okay? " I question.

The nurse flinches in pain at my tight grip, making me remove my hold and apologise. " It's alright Corinna, we're going to do an ultrasound right now and check on baby. " Jen interrupts, nodding her head to the nurse and then tilting it away from us.

The nurse immediately takes the hint and leaves the room. Jen sets up the ultrasound machine, while I pull my shirt up to reveal my bump, she squirts the cold gel onto my stomach and presses the wand to my stomach, moving it around a couple of times.

Kai moves around until he is in the bed beside me, gripping onto my hand, his eyes never leaving the screen in front of us. Jen's eyebrows furrow but then she cracks a wide grin just as the sound of a loud, fast and strong heartbeat fills the room.

" Your baby is perfectly fine.. I- it's pretty remarkable actually. " Jen says. " I think because of your baby's only part wolf, it's witch and vampire side was able to fight off the wolfsbane. "

" But the blood? " I question, confusion taking over me.

" Would have been from the wolfsbane weakening your bodies, but baby is all healed up and doing great now, we'll keep a monitor on the two of you, just to be on the safe side though. " She explains, sending us both a smile.

Chapter Fifty 1

Chapter Fifty 2


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