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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053 This Is His Strong Suit

Lu Yunbing was rather mature and held a skeptical attitude toward Nan Xing's various acts of courtesy. “What on earth is going on? Why did you suddenly decide to take us out for fun?”

Nan Xing was also deeply troubled. He took a bite of dessert and said, “Do you know this tastes bitter to me right now?”

Lu Yunxue was rather puzzled. “How could this be? It's clearly very sweet!”

“You don't understand, when an adult is in pain, even the sweetest food tastes bitter!” said Nan Xing.

“Why are you feeling distressed?” Lu Yunxue asked, “Is it because you're sick?”

“It's not that. It's just that I can't bear the thought of you all leaving.”

Nan Xing had initially planned to put on a show of distress in front of the child, but to his surprise, he genuinely felt a pang in his heart, his eyes welling up with tears.

Lu Yunxue and Lu Yunbing were both a bit frightened, staring blankly at Nan Xing.

“Don't be scared. I'm okay. But it's true that your mom is going to take you away. I can't bear to part with you. That's a fact.”

The two children looked at each other in surprise. They hadn't heard about this. How could we just leave all of a sudden?

But judging by Nan Xing's demeanor, he didn't seem like he was lying. How could he possibly be lying when he's so upset?

“What on earth is going on?” Lu Yunbing asked.

Next, Nan Xing proceeded to give a rough explanation of the ins and outs of the matter.

The two children didn't quite understand everything, but they grasped the main point. Mommy is going to take us back to the capital.

Regardless of whether it was Lu Yunxue or Lu Yunbing, neither of them was particularly pleased with this decision.

From Flower City to the capital, and then from the capital to the Flower City again.

They were always moving and always changing places.

After much effort in getting to know a few friends, they had to leave just as they were starting to get along well.

Adults enjoyed the feeling of being on the road, but children generally did not.

Compared to adults, children clearly needed a greater sense of security.

Lu Yunbing and Lu Yunxue both fell silent, feeling a deep sadness in their hearts.

“Do you guys want to go back?” Nan Xing asked.

Lu Yunbing didn't express her opinion, but Lu Yunxue shook her head without hesitation. She really didn't want to. How wonderful Flower City is, with so many people who care about them, we have Dabao and Erbao here.

Once they returned to the capital city, they had to re-enter school and get to know other children.

Besides, in the capital, they would be under stricter control, which was no fun at all.

“Should we persuade your mommy not to return to the capital?” Nan Xing said.

“All right,” Lu Yunxue responded immediately.

But Lu Yunbing wore a face of doubt. “You must have tried persuading her already, but you couldn't convince Mommy.”

Nan Xing was rendered speechless. All right. You got me. You saw right through me again.

“I couldn't persuade her, but you guys might be able to.”

“No. If Mommy says we need to go back, she must have her reasons. Wherever Mommy is, I'll be there too!” said Lu Yunbing.

Nan Xing had a headache. This child is so naive it's frustrating, but when they're too sensible, it's equally overwhelming.

“The reason your mommy had to return to the capital was due to a misunderstanding. Right now, I'm trying to clear up this misunderstanding with her, but I need time. I'm not asking you to go against your mommy. I just need your help to buy some time. Could you at least not leave so soon, please?” Nan Xing asked.

The two children glanced at each other. “What do you want us to do?”


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