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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 315

When they were ready, Ning Ran’s transport arrived as well.

It turned out to be a Rolls Royce. When she opened the door, she found Nan Chen sitting inside.

“Why are you here?”

“This is my car.”

Ning Ran was dumbfounded. So, this was his car and also her official ride.

“You’re going to the party too?”

“I’m one of the main producers,” Nan Chen replied.

Ning Ran was speechless again. He was the boss. How could she forget such an important matter?

She thought of closing the door and going to sit in the front passenger seat but Nan Chen looked at her and motioned to her to sit down by his side.

Obediently, Ning Ran sat down beside him.

Suddenly, Nan Chen said, “Get down.”

Ning Ran was displeased. You ask me to come inside and then ask me to get down. What are you trying to do?

This is his car and he is the boss. I have to obey.

Ning Ran carefully held her black dress as she got out of the car. The dress and high heels made her extremely uncomfortable and her movements were very clumsy.

“Stand there.” Nan Chen spoke again.

“What are you doing? Do you want me to hail a cab and go on my own?” Ning Ran was angry. He was such a bully.

“Don’t move. Just stand there,” Nan Chen ordered.

“What’s this? After sitting in your car for a few minutes, my punishment is to stand here?” Ning Ran asked angrily.

Nan Chen said nothing but studied Ning Ran from head to foot with admiration in his eyes.

“This is Sunny’s idea?” Nan Chen asked.

Hearing this, she guessed that Nan Chen had instructed Sunny to drop in today; otherwise, he would not know that Sunny had been with her.

“Yes,” Ning Ran replied.

“Come in.” Nan Chen motioned with his hand.

“I come in and go out just as you wish?” Ning Ran said angrily.

“Yeah.” Nan Chen replied matter-of-factly.


“Come on up. You’re not walking there, are you? Do you know where it is?” Nan Chen asked.

Ning Ran agreed after some thought. Besides, in that dress, going by cab was rather inconvenient.

Though she was displeased, she got into the car.

“Go to Commoner Residence first.” Nan Chen said.

“Yes,” the driver responded.

“Why are we going to your house? I don’t want to go to your house.” Ning Ran said.

“You wish! I’m not taking you home.” Nan Chen sneered.

Ning Ran was dumbfounded. Perhaps, she was just overthinking things.

When the car arrived at the Commoner Residence, Nan Chen let Ning Ran wait in the car while he went in alone.

After a while, he came out. Then, he got in the car and took out a box.

“The necklace looks cheap. Take it off,” Nan Chen told Ning Ran.

“What?” Ning Ran wasn’t sure of what she heard.

Nan Chen pointed to the necklace on Ning Ran’s neck. “Please take this off.”

“Oh, this is on loan to me by my Aunt…”

“Borrowed?” Nan Chen could not believe his ears.

“Yes, Aunt said since I’m attending a reception, I must have some accessory on my neck; otherwise, I’ll appear too scrubby,” Ning Ran explained.

Nan Chen frowned, saying, “You look scrubby wearing this.”

“I think this is fine. Aunt mentioned that she spent more than three thousand on it.”

“A necklace worth three thousand plus?”

Again, Nan Chen couldn’t believe his ears. How could anyone wear a necklace worth so little?

“Please take it off.”

“You want me to go without this necklace? Won’t that look ugly?”

“Yes.” Nan Chen did not mince his words.

Nan Chen was shocked. You were so poor that you have to sell your jewelry? What type of life did you live then?

Deep inside Nan Chen’s eyes, a flicker of compassion appeared. She did live a hard life.

Nan Chen was at a loss. This womans thoughts are weird. Does she think I would use this priceless necklace to blackmail her?


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