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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 316

Nan Chen asked the driver to bring them to a Hermes franchise store even though they were supposed to be heading towards the party.

“You need to change your bag. Go pick one out,” Nan Chen said.

“My bag’s fine, right? I got it at a fifty percent discount from…”

“Shut up and go pick one!” Nan Chen got angry.

“It’s really not necessary. No matter how luxurious it is, it’ll just be a waste. I keep a lot of snacks in there. So no matter how good it is, once I shove two meat buns in there, it’s…

“Can you just shut up already!”

Nan Chen was really annoyed as he actually pictured a meat bun in a Hermes’ bag.

After that, Ning Ran did not dare say another word as she got off the car and entered the store.

Ning Ran had no idea what to pick. After going through everything, she still could not make up her mind.

The main issue was that they were all really pricey and way over her budget.

The cheaper ones did not look good, and the nicer ones were just too expensive.

In the end, she asked Nan Chen to help her choose one. At the cashier, the staff actually recognized Ning Ran. “It’s an honor to see you in our store. Will it be OK for me to get a signature from you?”

Naturally, Ning Ran did not believe that she would have fans. Thus, she turned around and looked at Nan Chen. “You’re talking about him right?”

“I meant you, Ms. Ding. I hope the series with You and Lunlun continue to get good ratings and that you two are happy together.” The staff replied.

Nan Chen expression was turning cold.

“Oh. You got it all wrong. Lunlun and I are just co-workers. Really.” Ning Ran explained immediately as she stepped aside and signaled for Nan Chen to approach.

The bag was way over her pay grade. Hence, only Nan Chen could settle that bill.

With that, Nan Chen huffed and handed over his black card.

Before leaving, Ning Ran also fulfilled the staff’s request for her signature.

Then, they got on the car.

Ning Ran was in a good mood until the staff’s remark spoiled it for her.

“Fans are like this. They form imaginary pairs in their minds. It happens all the time. Please don’t mind them.” Ning Ran tried to comfort Nan Chen.

“Why would I?” Nan Chen asked.

“True.” Ning Ran answered. “You don’t have to pay heed to that.”

“Why don’t I?” Nan Chen asked again coldly.

That got Ning Ran confused. Do you mind, or dont you mind? Do I want you to mind, or do I not want you to mind? Alright! Since Im going to be wrong either way, Ill just shut up. I cant be wrong if I dont say anything.

Nan Chen, on the other hand, knew there was nothing to blame her for. Those kinds of misunderstandings were very common in this industry.

After all, the two of them were always seen together. Be it on-screen or at charity events. Therefore, it was easy for the fans to relate them together.

In fact, stars like them need these types of rumors to keep people talking. If a celebrity has nothing for people to talk about, is he still one?

“Mr. Chen, thank you for the bag. I promise you that I will not use it to pack meat buns!” Ning Ran exclaimed.

Hearing that, Nan Chen almost passed out from rage. So thats how you respect me? By not putting buns in?

“Do whatever you wish.” Nan Chen replied.

Ning Ran rolled her eyes at Nan Chen and let out a huff as well.

For some reason, her actions and expressions looked adorable. Glancing at Ning Ran, Nan Chen’s face suddenly blushed as he felt captivated by her charm.

With that, his rage instantly subsided.

“You owe me money for the bag.” Nan Chen remarked.

“Huh? What are you? You’re the one that forced me to get one, so of course, you’re paying for it. Why do I have to pay you back?”

Nan Chen was chuckling in his head while he remained expressionless on the outside.

“I’m not paying. In that case, we can just go back there to return this right now. The old one was good enough.” Ning Ran said as she shoved the bag into Nan Chen’s arms.

Right then, Nan Chen gave her an icy stare, and Ning Ran immediately took the bag back. “Alright! But I’m not paying no matter what. I have no money. All I have is my life!”

“I’ll take your life then.” Nan Chen replied.

Its rare for Poker Face to be talking so much.

Soon after that, she noticed her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. What the heck?

Isnt this too much?

A woman that came in holding his arm would mean that Nan Chen had acknowledged her – as if saying, She is with me, so disrespecting her is the same as disrespecting me.


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