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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 317

While they were talking, a few ladies ran over to them. “Lunlun! Long time no see!”

“Lunlun’s even prettier nowadays!”

“What’re you talking about? He’s always been this pretty!”

Hearing their frivolous giggles, Zheng Lunlun was annoyed. “Please. I’m a guy here. Can you not use a word like pretty on me?”

“You are pretty, though. What’s wrong with that?”

Soon after that, Zheng Lunlun was unable to escape the pestering from the ladies. At that moment, Ning Ran took the liberty to slip away. After all, she did not want Zheng Lunlun’s fans to hate her.

Ning Ran wanted to hide at a corner and grab some food, but the director spotted her.

He introduced her to some prominent people in the scene, and Ning Ran went with it reluctantly.

Besides, her heels were killing her. Thus, after a while of socializing, Ning Ran felt the need to take a break.

So, she bade her time and seized an opportunity to slip back into a dark corner where she sat down to eat some fruits.

The food provided at the party was delicious, and Ning Ran liked it a lot.

It was a waste, however, as everyone was busy socializing and had barely touched any food. These people are missing out!

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Ding.”

Right as Ning Ran felt that she was finally at peace, it did not last as someone approached.

He was a famous director in the industry and had two commercial films that were rather good. The box office was not bad as well.

However, Ning Ran was new to the scene, so she did not know many people – him, included.

“Hi.” Ning Ran squeezed out a reply and was about to leave.

She just could not get used to socializing with strangers, so it felt tiring to her.

“Please don’t leave, Ms. Ding. I would like to get to know you. I am Zhang, the director from The Little Fairy.”

The director thought that Ning Ran would be shocked after hearing his big box office success.

Ning Ran, on the other hand, widened her eyes in confusion.

It hadn’t been that long since her return. Hence, she seldom took note of the commercial films in the theaters. After all, most of them were just star power holding up a terrible movie – nothing note-worthy.

“You’ve never seen it?” Director Zhang was baffled.

It had a rating of 2.8, but the box office was almost two hundred million. Therefore, Director Zhang felt like Ning Ran was very ignorant for not knowing such an infamous film.

Ning Ran herself felt her ignorance as well. Oh, well! Ive always been this way.

“Oh, I’ve… heard of it.” Ning Ran mustered up a response.

Director Zhang finally had an out. Well, at least youve heard of it. Thatll do.

“Ms. Ding. Would you be interested in starring in a film of mine similar to that?” Director Zhang proposed.

“I… Um… Maybe later. I have an agency, so I can’t confirm anything. Why don’t you contact my agency to discuss this?” Ning Ran replied.

“Rest assured, Ms. Ding. As long as you are willing, I can convince your agency to cooperate with me. But before that, you and I need to have some proper communication.” Director Zhang continued.

Director Zhang had a good sense of fashion and even made a good first impression. However, he was plump and had greasy hair.

“Ok. I’ll think about it.” Ning Ran nodded.

“Let’s keep in touch then. Why don’t I add you on WeChat?” Director Zhang took out his phone.

“I don’t have my phone on me. Sorry.” Ning Ran was faking it as her phone was sitting in her bag.

“Is that so? Can I have your phone number then?” Director Zhang pressed on.

“Ah… Um… I don’t remember my phone number. Maybe next time.”

Director Zhang was well aware that Ning Ran was trying to refuse him, so he was quite frustrated about the whole situation.

For he knew that, in this industry, there were a lot of actresses who would want to collaborate with him. And Im getting refused by a newbie? She really doesnt know her place here. Ill teach her a lesson!

“Is this your first film, Ms. Ding?”

Dear Ms. Ding, dont you want your career to be greater and your future to be brighter?

I am a well-known director. If I want to, therell always be a movie for me to film. And Im a producer on the side, which means I can pool in big investments.

From the looks of the director’s lustful eyes, she could clearly see what his intention was. Hmph! Talk about it privately, eh? Ning Ran knew all too well.


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