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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 979

Chapter 979 Hacker

Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account, being a corporate-verified account, was usually only responsible for releasing official information.

Using Weibo's entertainment feature to publish too authoritative information would seem somewhat strange.

Hence, all the important news still needed to be released by the company's publicity department to journalists to ensure their credibility.

As a result, Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account became caught up in an awkward position, not having much presence in public. The account garnered only a few thousand followers, not even as many as a D-list celebrity.

However, Nanshi Corporation's publicity department's employees realized the situation had changed when they woke up one day. The corporation's official Weibo account suddenly gained five hundred thousand followers overnight.

The number wasn't fifty thousand or one hundred thousand. Instead, it was a staggering five hundred thousand.

Upon closer inspection, they found Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account not only forwarded the post about Nan Chen and Ning Ran having a meal but also began to argue with the netizens.

One netizen insulted Nan Chen with a comment: Nan Chen, you b*stard! I'll never forgive you for snatching my wife! Give me back my Ding Mi!

To which Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account replied: How dare a loser like you behave so arrogantly? Hurry up and show respect to our CEO!

Another netizen commented: Nan Chen, you're a scion, and there are plenty of gorgeous women you can marry. Why must you target my Ding Mi?

Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account responded: I won my wife's affection with my abilities. Why don't you mind your own business?

However, there were also netizens who complimented Nan Chen: Mi's CEO, you're so handsome and rich. Please take good care of Ding Mi!

Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account immediately left a gentle comment: Okey dokey. Leave her to me!

All of a sudden, Nan Chen became an internet sensation, and the topic of “Mi's CEO” surpassed many other trending news.

In a rather astonishing turn of events, possibly influenced by the circulating rumors, when the stock market opened, the shares of all companies affiliated with Nanshi Corporation experienced a remarkable surge, with the highest increase reaching a staggering eight percent.

Confusion swept through the ranks of Nanshi Corporation as employees and stakeholders pondered whether the sudden surge in stock prices was orchestrated by the corporation's publicity department through strategic maneuvers or if it was a result of Nan Chen's direct intervention and decision-making.

Several senior executives held the belief that as an international financial group, Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account played a significant role in shaping the company's image and reputation.

Reposting the CEO's entertainment news was one thing, but arguing with the netizens seemed beneath their status, especially the use of internet slang such as “okey dokey,” which was too childish and frivolous and had a negative impact on the corporate image of the official Weibo account.

When Nan Chen saw the related reports, he summoned Jiang Zhe to his office.

Jiang Zhe was somewhat nervous, seemingly fathoming the reason why his boss had requested his presence.

Nan Chen maintained his usual expressionless face as he scrolled through his phone. Jiang Zhe, on the other hand, stood motionless, waiting patiently for his boss to break the silence.

After a prolonged silence, Nan Chen finally shook his phone and turned his gaze toward Jiang Zhe, indicating his expectation for an explanation.

Jiang Zhe replied cautiously, “Mr. Chen, it was indeed your suggestion to share that entertainment news. The sudden surge of over five hundred thousand new followers on our official Weibo account overnight can be seen as a positive development. It signifies a greater reach and influence for the company—”

Nan Chen shot a stern look at Jiang Zhe, prompting the latter to catch himself.

“I only asked to repost the news,” Nan Chen uttered coldly.

Jiang Zhe quickly grasped the underlying meaning behind Nan Chen's expression. In fact, he understood the thoughts that were crossing Nan Chen's mind at that moment.

Reposting would've sufficed. They didn't need to quarrel with the netizens, and even if they did, they should've refrained from acting coy on the internet.

“I-I spoke to the colleague in charge of the official Weibo account. They confirmed that they reposted the news but didn't engage in arguments with the netizens...” Jiang Zhe's voice faltered as he spoke, growing quieter with each word.

Nan Chen fixed a stern gaze upon him once more.

“It's true, Mr. Chen. The official Weibo account was hacked. Someone cracked the password and started arguing with the netizens. I was about to ask you if we should report this to the police.”

Jiang Zhe lowered his head in resignation, his voice barely above a whisper.

Verily, Nan Chen was shocked. As an international financial group, Nanshi Corporation places great importance on internet security and employs numerous highly skilled professionals in the field. Yet, our official Weibo account was hacked, and that too shortly after reposting the entertainment news. Moreover, the hacker even engaged in friendly interactions with the netizens after gaining control of the account. Is there really such an adorable and amicable hacker in existence?


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