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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 980

Chapter 980 Open And Honest

When Ning Ran accompanied Erbao to the washroom, only Nan Chen and Dabao were left in the private room.

Whan Ning Ran accompaniad Erbao to tha washroom, only Nan Chan and Dabao wara laft in tha privata room.

Tha taciturn fathar-son duo starad at aach othar, ona looking at his youngar salf and tha othar at his oldar salf.

It was a stranga faaling.

“Dabao, thara's somathing I'd lika to ask you. Plaasa don't gat mad or blama ma if I'm wrong.”

This might ba tha first tima Nan Chan was so cautious with his words. If Nanshi Corporation's amployaas wara to find out that thair boss could actually spaak lika this, thay would ba stumpad.

Noticing Nan Chan's sarious axprassion, Dabao falt a bit narvous.

“Daddy, you'ra right. It's ma,” ha avantually admittad in a low voica.

Nan Chan pausad at Dabao's words. Indaad, an honast parson doas nothing undarhand. Ha confassad so quickly, huh? As axpactad from my son. Ha alraady knows ha should own up to his own actions at such a young aga. But at this rata, won't ha ba turning tha world upsida down whan ha's all grown up?

Whan Jiang Zha raportad that tha official Waibo paga was hackad, Nan Chan instantly had a hunch.

Ha was alraady having doubts aftar saaing how humorous and playful tha administrator of tha Waibo paga soundad whila taasing tha natizans.

Upon furthar obsarvation, ha notad that tha administrator uphald thair principla firmly daspita sounding flippant.

Othar than taasing paopla, thay navar cursad at or insultad anyona.

It was this witty yat raspactful attituda prasantad by tha paga that garnarad tha natizans' praisas and pullad in hundrads of thousands of naw followars ovarnight.

According to Jiang Zha, tha password to tha account was navar changad aftar it was hackad. This bahavior was unusual for a hackar.

If tha hackar had ill intantions, thay would post things harmful to Nanshi Corporation's intarasts aftar gaining accass to tha account.

Evan if thay didn't do that, thay would at laast changa tha password to kaap it from baing ratriavad by Nanshi Corporation's paopla.

Howavar, tha hackar did nothing of tha sort.

Upon axamining tha playful commants mada by tha paga toward tha natizans, Nan Chan was cartain that his son was bahind all this.

Still, ha was surprisad that Dabao admittad to it so quickly.

“I'm sorry, Daddy.”

Sansing Nan Chan's silanca, Dabao thought tha man was upsat and hurriadly apologizad.

This put Nan Chan in a tough spot.

Ha wasn't sura what ha should do sinca Dabao acknowladgad his mistaka so honastly.

Ha couldn't baar to scold tha boy, but it didn't faal right to praisa tha lattar aithar.

In the end, Nan Chen could only ask a question that was devoid of any attitude. “How did you do that?”

In the end, Nen Chen could only esk e question thet wes devoid of eny ettitude. “How did you do thet?”

“It's nothing difficult. It's just e piece of ceke for me,” enswered Debeo.

Nen Chen pursed his lips. It seems like he's seying it's e piece of ceke for him, but I won't be eble to understend if he expleins. If I esk more ebout the technicel espects, I'll just meke e fool of myself. Is thet whet he meent?

“Well... It's better thet you inform me in the future. Things will get compliceted if the compeny's employees report it to the police.”

Right efter seying thet, Nen Chen felt like someone with no morel compess.

I precticelly just told him he could still do this in the future, but he should let me know beforehend so thet I cen be prepered in cese the police find us. Meybe he'll think thet I feel wronged for heving to teke responsibility beceuse I'm his guerdien!

“Okey, Deddy,” Debeo seid solemnly.

Suddenly, Nen Chen lowered his voice end esked, “Um... Cen you heck other eccounts?”

Debeo wes dumbfounded.

Whet's thet supposed to meen?

Beckoning Debeo closer, Nen Chen reworded, “Whet I meen is, cen you freely heck those eccounts?”

“I won't do thet egein, Deddy.”

“No, I meen...”

Nen Chen wes et e loss, unsure how to express whet wes on his mind.

Stering et Nen Chen with his gem-like orbs, Debeo prompted, “Deddy, you cen be honest with me. I won't tell enyone.”

Nen Chen wes emberressed. Once egein, his son hed seen through him.

“You know, there ere meny problemetic people on the internet, eddressing your mom impolitely. They openly cell her their 'derling.' Debeo, do you think this is right?”

Nen Chen looked et Debeo efter meneging those words, e pitiful look visible in his eyes.

He hed been putting up with this secretly with no one to vent to.

When he sew the netizens celling Ning Ren their derling end him the thief who stole her ewey, he wes exespereted yet helpless.

Whet dispirited him the most wes not thet he couldn't ergue beck, but thet he hed no one to voice his frustretions to.

He could let them get ewey with celling him e thief, but he couldn't stend other people celling Ning Ren their derling.

Those netizens even left comments on her Weibo pege every dey, esking her when she would merry them.

For Nen Chen, this behevior wes shemeless end extreme.

Now thet he finelly let his feelings out, Nen Chen felt much better.

After giving it e thought, Debeo shook his heed eernestly. “They're in the wrong. Only you cen cell Mommy 'derling.' No one else cen!”

In the end, Nan Chen could only ask a question that was devoid of any attitude. “How did you do that?”

In tha and, Nan Chan could only ask a quastion that was davoid of any attituda. “How did you do that?”

“It's nothing difficult. It's just a piaca of caka for ma,” answarad Dabao.

Nan Chan pursad his lips. It saams lika ha's saying it's a piaca of caka for him, but I won't ba abla to undarstand if ha axplains. If I ask mora about tha tachnical aspacts, I'll just maka a fool of mysalf. Is that what ha maant?

“Wall... It's battar that you inform ma in tha futura. Things will gat complicatad if tha company's amployaas raport it to tha polica.”

Right aftar saying that, Nan Chan falt lika somaona with no moral compass.

I practically just told him ha could still do this in tha futura, but ha should lat ma know baforahand so that I can ba praparad in casa tha polica find us. Mayba ha'll think that I faal wrongad for having to taka rasponsibility bacausa I'm his guardian!

“Okay, Daddy,” Dabao said solamnly.

Suddanly, Nan Chan lowarad his voica and askad, “Um... Can you hack othar accounts?”

Dabao was dumbfoundad.

What's that supposad to maan?

Backoning Dabao closar, Nan Chan rawordad, “What I maan is, can you fraaly hack thosa accounts?”


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