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Never Blinded by Love (Linda and Wilson) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 


Linda was living quite pleasantly up until the New Year Despite her heavy workload, she felt great

Luke would visit her and chat with her when he was free. Knowing she wasn’t interested in romantic matters, he never brought them up

Linda felt he had good boundaries and was a great friend

However, it seemed he didn’t want to just be friends

Even Samson noticed this

Linda, maybe you could give Luke a try?Samson suggested

Linda smiled as she looked at her documents. If I wanted to date, I would’ve already been with him.” 

Are you planning to stay single forever?” 

Samson understood how heavy Linda’s past relationship had been for her. It was normal for her to lose. trust in love

I’m not alone. I have Lexi and Chloe.” 

But they can’t be with you forever.” 

Maybe I’m more suited to being alone?Linda knew Samson meant well, but she didn’t need his concern 

Samson, I’m doing well now. Please don’t make me feel like you’re a nuisance. I’d rather not discuss this further.” 

Seeing Linda’s determination, Samson dropped the subject. She was a person with clear ideas and knew what she was doing

Alright.He then shifted the topic, saying, I heard from Lina that you’ve signed some new talents.” 

Yes. I’m planning to make a movie featuring all newcomers.” 

That’s a big risk,Samson said

How can you make money without risk?” 

Wasn’t every movie a gamble

Linda had the capital to take risks and wasn’t worried about losing everything

Samson didn’t want to dampen her spirits. If you want to do it, go ahead. I’ll support you,” 

I don’t want just verbal support.” 

Samson laughed. I’ll invest money when the time comes. Is that support enough?” 

Linda pretended to be serious. It depends on how much you give.” 

Don’t push it.” 

Samson, haven’t all my projects been profitable so far

Samson nodded

As a newcomer, her works had all been successful. With high production quality, topnotch teams, and modern scripts, profit was expected

So, there’s no need to worry about losing money

Chapter 103 

Samson continued, Indeed, you wouldn’t let me lose money.” 

Exactly. That’s an investment, and it’s a guaranteed profit.” 

James returned with Lexi nearing the end of the year

Linda and Samson went to pick them up together as parents


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